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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. You are definitely having a lot more issues just to perform its basic operations than most fellow astronomers. I really don't know why, what Bortle class skies did you say you had ? Mine operates, 95% of the time, with minimal effort !
  2. You have got to be kidding, lol ! If you have any of their products I would get rid of them immediately, lol ! But maybe it is only you that cares about this trivial ....... ! PS: Me I'm only going to see whats up there, lol !
  3. So after all of this what do you want us, the average astronomer just looking to expand our horizons in this great hobby, to do about it ! Do we really care or am I just missing some important point ?
  4. Before I do that I am going to try my DGM NPB Filter !
  5. While you were enhancing the dumbell, you could have adjusted the contrast to a more dark background by using the adjust +- slider on the Stargazing controls page above the AF. Next time try that slider and watch how it affects the screen image and the final results. Its a nice feature that you have to work with to understand its purpose, how it functions. Nice pics by the way, the SS is amazing !
  6. It is amazing every time you view a couple of takes !
  7. When the Orion Nebula climbs higher in my early nite skies in a couple of weeks I am going to try my 2" DGM NPB filter on it to see if there is any improvement on the trapezium area ! As it is it can't hurt.
  8. Believe me it works on my ipad using ios 16 but now 17 is available thats why I am asking before I upgrade.
  9. Thanx but I would like to hear from someone that has actually used a SS with their ipad using ios 17. In the past there has been the odd app that didn't get updated to the latest OS right away. With Apple you can't go back once updated !
  10. Can anyone tell me if the SeeStar app / smart scope will run on the Apple ios 17 yet ?
  11. For me it seems to be 25-35' max, up till now, the other night I lost my connection a half dozen times but I quickly restored it, the SS keeps taking shots once its on target though even with the loss of connection. I sit in my house with backdoors, walls between us.
  12. Last night about midnight the skies were getting pretty humid and the quality was dropping, the Orion Neb was about 10° off the horizon and it was peeking around the side of my shed but I gave it a try anyway and sure enough it took it even though it was cut off ! This SS is amazing, I did a little touchup in Lr, just the basics. PS: This was a 4 min. enhance, can you believe it, thats because my battery voltage dropped below 15 % the dew heater uses a lot of power !
  13. Tonite skies in my backyard, in town, are going to be clear and Bortle 4-5 so out comes the SS at about 7:30 to let it have some fun after a good 2 weeks of poor conditions. As a change I am going to compare the photos of some objects ie galaxies using my 2" Burgess Optical CX-4 Contrast Filter to none save for just the built in filter. It will be interesting !
  14. Thanx but I already have these save for the mask !
  15. You are correct, I used to use a reusable shower cap over the bottom of my dobs, I just ordered an oversized, elastisized one from Amazon for $15 C. Thanx ! PS: One of these days they will come out with a cover specificly for the smart scopes, no doubt but at a premium price.
  16. Here is another question / issue that I might have missed, has anyone found or have a water / moisture proof cover / hood for the SS or D2 scopes ? Something just the right size with a draw string or velcro fastener. Just to protect it before or after a session, I don't mean leaving it out in a rain storm.
  17. Even in Canada they are only $350 and everything you say is exactly my thoughts. Try it with a couple of Morpheus eps, for that price it's pretty big competition even for my NP101 but at lower powers. I wish every fellow refractor astronomer could see what the future has in store from Svbony and I am not the only one.
  18. Watch an episode or two of ' Suits ', lol !
  19. You'll get it and it won't take you as long as you think ! Its basically a version of plug n play, really !
  20. I do but with a little touch up with my ipads editor and now a bit with Lightroom, you couldn't get much better with my eyes but then again I am not real fussy. I bought it to have some fun as an alternative to my refractors and ha work, its a great, new field of astronomy ! The amazing thing is that the SS is so simple to learn, to use !
  21. It maybe a bit loose but when the SS lens is pointing straight down the cap still holds tight. That tells me it was designed to that diameter. ** Sorry wrong cap, I got mine at AliExpress, has the name ZWO SeeStar embossed on it ! It fits perfectly.
  22. I install mine inside my house before going out, I activate my SS, hit solar mode and the SS starts to find the sun while in the house, when it reaches about 45° I hit stop and put on the filter, then I carry it outside and finish doing my setup and solar work. Works great, works fast, not one issue, every time !
  23. You must have really been chompin' to get out there and use it to have even bothered, in those sky conditions ? Nice try though !
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