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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. GG Like most, you sure won't regret it ! Good Luck and have fun !
  2. Its just common sense as with anything subjected to a bit of moisture, that will dry out pretty fast, they are made tough by ZWO for that reason ! Moisture has been around before we were all born, lol ! PS: The heater is built in to prevent fogging of the lenses not to prevent moisture from getting on the unit, the other nite my SS was entirely covered in white frost, no problems at all.
  3. The Leo Triplet @ -17° C a couple nites ago ! Bortle 6, 22 min. And no stacking !
  4. The Beehive @ 6 min last nite -17° C, Bortle 6, 10:30 pm ! Wanted to try out my new star spike maker. And no stacking !
  5. I used my SS last nite for 4 hrs. in -17° C , Bortle 6 conditions, the battery went from 100% to 18% where it stopped working and there was no way I didn't have to use the dew heater ! Depending on the nightly weather the requirements can be different every nite out in the temperate zones of the world ! The heater is a needed asset but uses a lot more juice !
  6. An 8 min. take with my SS only this time I used my Samsung Tab A8. Bortle 5, a bit above avg. backyard skize. I really like that A8 !
  7. Another quick tryout with my 2nd S50, basic enhancing in Lr ! M81 - 15 min., next time I would do 20 min.
  8. Most don't anyway from what I am seeing, its the core of the take that is important not the outside perimeter !
  9. For the first time in a couple months the skize cleared and the temp dropped to -8° C so out went my 2nd S50 for its maiden run, under Bortle 5 backyard skies. One of its targets was M3 in the SE @ about 40° altitude with a dim led streetlite shining behind it at about 15° elev. The SS performed without a mishap, as does the first ! M3 @ 5 min.
  10. Great shot ! In all m years with some pretty competent visual scopes and I couldn't get this, not even close !
  11. I tried out the new update a few nites ago, first time I have seen stars in a couple of months, lol ! I really like it, especially the new adjustments on the enhancing screen on the right side, etc. The 3 point goto works perfectly at this point. Skize in my urban backyard were Bortle 6-7 instead of the normal 4-5, worked the SS from 6:30-8:30 pm, temp was around 32° F. The SS really is amazing considering what I got on a 13 min. take and a small amount of fiddling in Lr. PS: ZWO really is a friend to all us EAA'ers, they work hard for us every time it seems, I would like to donate $250 to them, if I knew where / how, for that reason !
  12. I have a friend who is an electrical engineer, money is no object in his world but he always buys refurbished not because he is cheap, its because he says with a refurb the unit is checked over / tested top to bottom, most times better than the quality control checks for brand new gear. And he is an electronics fiend especially Apple, lol !
  13. Thanx, what strikes me is that they don't seem to mention its purpose very specifically, very clearly
  14. As a bit of an aside, what is the purpose of the Adjust +/- slider on the enhancing screen, on the right side near the AF. Does / will it change the light / dark / contrast of the photos end result ? As you darken it you lose outer detail but its sharper, if you lighten it you get a broader detail but its very faded, does that carry through to the final product ? Everything that I have read from ZWO about the SS I haven't found it mentioned unless I have missed it.
  15. I thought maybe it was the way the SS, its electronics handled the photons in each longer take that would make a difference in end product, a better photo if you will ?
  16. But on the great nights wouldn't each take have more data inbedded in it if you were using 20 sec. or maybe 30 sec.wouldn't the sum total be all round more enhanced, of higher quality. Lets disrgard wind, stray light etc. affects in this case. I am just trying to get my mind around the purpose of 20 / 30 sec exposures because up til now my 10 sec. results are excellent for the SS and what it is.
  17. So on dimmer / fainter dso's ie M101, M33 etc. the 20 sec and maybe the 30 sec should provide a better end result if you can find / hit on the correct duration ?
  18. Twins ! Charged and ready, these two will compete against each other on those dark, clear nites. I want to test them, compare them on dso's under various conditions and times, my head is full of thoughts. This kind of thing is my enjoyment, its what I like !
  19. Many prefer 2.4 g, using it extends the connection range. I never use 5g even though I could, my SS works great on 2.4 g.
  20. I always use the 2.4 g not the 5 g setting, not a problem and when in a longer range I use a signal booster. It seems to be working but I haven't had a good nite to give 1.13 a good run, I will try it this afternoon.
  21. Don't give up on it, it is probably something simple, I know when I did 1.13 I had to reset the SS to get a full connection but I won't try and explain. Someone more versed will have to, lol ! Basically when I occasionally have an issue I use trial and error checking / resetting until I find the solution, it works for me, I am a technical person but not well versed in this new technology, lol !
  22. Did you download the new update 1.13 and associated firmware ?
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