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Status Replies posted by Astralstroll

  1. For a brief moment of clear, I saw the Veil Nebula from my garden! Wooo

    1. Astralstroll


      I've seen it a couple of times from home. It's a difficult spot with LP but great when you see it.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Got my negative head on, finding it hard to stay strong with this continual cloud and or mist, i honestly have only used a scope about 5 or 6 nights this year, and people wonder why i want to reduce to just one scope

    1. Astralstroll


      It's looking promising for this evening. Typical that it's a Sunday though.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Might as well be cloudy given the sky quality tonight, total soup!

  4. Anybody know how I can add a few more hours to the day...?

    1. Astralstroll


      If you figure out a better way, let us know!,

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Clear skies and a new scope to play with

  6. Damn the clouds!

    1. Astralstroll


      It's rather cloudy here too. Always the case when it's the weekend. Ho Hum!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hmm.. debating whether or not to dismantle my lovely constellation jigsaw that is currently residing on my desk. Can't find a frame to fit it, and it takes a lot of room... but it's glow in the dark!

    1. Astralstroll


      I had a frame made for mine back in 1993. Still got it hanging in the study. Worth every penny!!!

  8. looks like i just bought a 16" lightbridge-some mods to be made me thinks

  9. hugely considering just getting a 16" lightbridge rather than messing about for 6 months making a scope

  10. hugely considering just getting a 16" lightbridge rather than messing about for 6 months making a scope

    1. Astralstroll


      How about buying the Lightbridge now and then building a scope when it's cloudy. That's my plan.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. It's been a while since I was able to get out with my scope. My achey body just will not allow me to carry anything. :-( Hopefully the next clear night my painkillers will do their job and let me go play out!

    1. Astralstroll


      I'm just waiting for some clear skies! Hope your painkillers do the trick as and when the heavens are free from clouds.

  12. Clear skies tonight! We're heading out to find Saturn when it gets dark! Yay.

    1. Astralstroll


      Glad you finally got to see it! An awesome sight indeed. What's next on the tick list?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Clear skies tonight! We're heading out to find Saturn when it gets dark! Yay.

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