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Posts posted by wookie1965

  1. 1 hour ago, Mr Spock said:

    Press the < and > buttons on the handset and see which way it goes :smile: Just remember in a diagonal W is left and E is right visually if you are looking south and the handset will be the opposite.

    However, I turn my diagonal around to get the most comfortable eye position, so for me the < and > method is the only way.

    So if I press < and > depending on which was sends the scope West the will be the answer.   

  2. I want to start sketching double and multiple stars again.

    After reading many explanations I am still confused as to label my sketches to the cardinal points I will be using a refractor with a diagonal.

    As I use a goto mount I cannot just switch off and let the stars drift through the eyepiece thus giving me West then knowing North is 90° clockwise.

    So can someone please tell me or show me in simple terms how to do it I am sure when I find out I will kick myself.

    I have typed it in google and gone through the list From all the astronomical sites and I am more confused thank you in advance.


  3. 32 minutes ago, Alan White said:

    How much room between the Starsense unit and focuser @wookie1965?

    Michaels layout is how I would do it, but make sure if you do you dont hit your face or head on the Starsense,
    when looking through the Telrad. I speak from experience as I did like Michaels example and bashed my bonce more than once.
    I trial fit these things now with rubber bands.

    2cm that's all I did want it next to the focuser but I would have to put it the other side and then its going to be under the tube. I have put it in the same place where the RDF was just hoping that will do.


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  4. 31 minutes ago, Neil H said:

    I think I read somewhere it's still a hard job to attach a camera to the pst , I was hoping for an easy answer but looks like that's not as easy to answer , the Lunt must be better due to its price but is it ??

    Solar quest mount is the one I was going to get my HEQ5Pro does not track the sun well 

    If you use a compass and point the mount bang on North with that the handset has a solar tracking setting on it. Only need to tweak every now and again. I tracked mercury from one side to the other no problem. 

  5. 1 hour ago, F15Rules said:

    Welcome to the Old Astigmatics Club!

    A friendly group of visual fanatics who got together at PAS Kettering for a good old chinwag, in which we discovered that most of us are astigmatic!🤦😂

    So ignore anything we say in future about eyepieces not being "sharp to the edge"!🥴😋

    Two (yes Two!) Maxbright IIs and a Delos may or may not have been purchased today...😋🤔


    A good bunch of lads having a good time at a great and FREE Astro show.. here's to next year👍👍


    From Left to right..

    Dave (F15Rules), Mike (MikeDNight), Keith, Alan (Alan White), John (Telescope40), and Steve (Saganite)..


    Hopefully I will get in the picture next year.

    • Like 6
  6. I bought a 10" Dob so I could see Messiers from home sadly I have not had any improvement.  I am in the process of trying a couple of places with Bortle 3/4 within 45 mins of me, when I have really clear skies I will take the dob out. When I have not got really good skies I will sat at home Bortle7/8 and use my Tal 100rs and look at double and multiple star systems and clusters.

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