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Posts posted by wookie1965

  1. 8 hours ago, bosun21 said:

    To me Mars can be very finicky to draw out any significant details. Last week during an observing session I was viewing Jupiter and due to the seeing being reasonable I was seeing a lot of surface details. I then slewed to Mars expecting more of the same, but it was a disappointment. The most I could discern was surface shading. There’s so many variables, but when they all come together you are in for a treat.


    Same here I was on Jupiter trying different combinations could clearly see 4 bands of colour even a hint of swirling when I turned to Mars it was just a orange globe I could not get any detail no matter what combination I used.

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  2. 16 minutes ago, Giles_B said:

    @wookie1965 is that the Lacerta wedge?


    The 110mm is quoted for the 2" version - I googled in haste.

    Not sure if the Brewster angle on its own would necessitate a longer light path. Anyway, the 1.25" should be less.

    I rarely get good enough seeing to get to a 4mm eyepiece - my garden faces west, so the sun gets fairly high, and the seeing us usually poor, before I can start observing.

    Yes it is the herchel wedge 


  3. Well mixed results tonight despite aligning on deneb with a 6mm eyepiece x200 the app got everything wrong went to M42 nowhere near tried using the red dot finder its useless especially wearing glasses. I'm going to have to get a Telrad riser. 

    Got to see Mars and Jupiter by finding them myself. 

    I got Mars in the scope and tried alignment this is what I got. 

    It must of been the moon that's all I can think of



  4. Well mixed results tonight despite aligning on deneb with a 6mm eyepiece x200 the app got everything wrong went to M42 nowhere near tried using the red dot finder its useless especially wearing glasses. I'm going to have to get a Telrad riser. 

    Got to see Mars and Jupiter by finding them myself. 

    I got Mars in the scope and tried alignment this is what I got. 

    It must of been the moon that's all I can think of. 



  5. 2 hours ago, paulastro said:

    This comet which is forecast to become as bright as 5th mag has been on SkySafari's database for a little while, and has very recently been added to that of the StarSense Explorer Telescope App. On the latter, search for C/2022 and it will come up amongst a list of comets.  






    Is this on automatically or do you have to do something like with stellarium.

  6. 1 hour ago, paulastro said:

    Last evening I went out to observe Mars and the Moon.  After observing these two objects, I thought it was a good opportunity to really test how well the StarSense App finding system on my Celestron 8 inch StarSense Explorer  Dob is affected by bright Moonlight.

    It was a frosty night, -3 deg C, with the Moon at an altitude of 52 degres and 98.7% illuminated when I finished the session at a little after 1am.

    Mars was 15 deg to the E of the Moon, and the SS located the Moon easily,.  I noticed on the phone's screen that the Pleiades were only 5 or so degrres NW of the Moon.  I replaced my binoviwer, x275 mag, I had been using with my 17.5mm Morpheus - x68, 1.1 deg field.


    The SS had no problem pointing me to the Pleiades, which I couldn't even see with the naked eye with the Moon's glare.  I then went to several objects to test its accuracy further.

    From the Pleiades back to Mars.

    Mars to M42.

    M42 to HR2764 - my first view of the wonderful 'Winter Albireo' in Canis Major, only 10 degrees above SE horizon. It really is like a fainter version of Albireo, wonderful!

    HR2764 to to Double Cluster.

    Double Cluster to C14, ET/Owl Cluster.

    ET Cluster to M44 The Beehive Cluster.

    M44 to Pleiades.  This required the scope to go within less than 5 degrees from the Moon to arrive at its destination.  No problem at all.

    Despite the bright moonlight, the StarSense App successfully navigated all these maneouvers.  In fact the sky had thin cloud covering the Cass area and when I located the Double Cluster and the ET Cluster I couldn't see any stars in that area with the naked eye..  When I arrived at the ET cluster, in the scope I could only see two odd stars.  I was a bit puzzled until the cloud thinned in patches and ET's eye and then the rest of it came into view!!

    In summary, the SS had no difficulty finding any object with an 87% illuminated Moon and some hazy patches of cloud as well, even when objects were close to the Moon itself.  Significantly, I really couldn't have found some of the objects with a finder, it just wouldn't have been possible. 

    Use your StarSense Explorer telescope when there's Moonlight, you shouldn't have any problems at all - I didn't!




    Brilliant tonight is looking favourable so I will be getting out I want to see M42 if I could stay up late I want to see if I can get the Leo trio I've never seen them from home. 

  7. I have been to one booked for another but was flooded out got my money back I was really looking forward to another I believe at the beginning they where just looking for a suitable site obviously that's not happening now which is a real shame. 

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