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Posts posted by wookie1965

  1. My friend bought a 8" orion optics scope which had a low profile focuser on needed several extensions to focus as think it was set up for imaging. 

    So bought a focuser think it's astro revelation and installed it. 

    Took it out tonight put 40mm in and it focuses right near the very edge of the out focus. 

    Put a 20mm in and cannot get focus even all the way in has anyone got any ideas please. 

  2. 1 hour ago, chiltonstar said:

    I usually only look if I can see M51 in the RACI, otherwise it means the viewing is too poor.


    I only use a Telrad so I cannot check but that is good advice I have got a Skywatcher shoe on the Tal so I could get a RACI, the Meade I would have to pay £178 just for the finder think I will give that a miss.

  3. M51 is my nemesis I have been trying to see this for over 4 years from home and never caught it. With a 6" and 8" newt and now with the Tal 100rs and the Meade 127 achromatic refractors still I am at a loss.

    I did see it Friday In cotterless45`s 8" dob from a dark site.

    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, mapstar said:

    Sounds like a fun star party was had by most. I totally forgot this was on. 

    I remember Storm Gonzales on the last big PSP at shallow grange. Blowing a proper gale and still trying to observe. It was a giggle to say the least. 

    Cotterless is a good guide to the skies and glad the skies allowed him to pass on a few objects of note. NGC2392 and M51 at this time of year are perfectly placed. 

    Good stuff guys bet you're already planning next years. 


    If this Virus blows over going to try for October good to see you there.

    • Like 2
  5. Great Nick I to have a list for Leo although in my case I had cloud, Back still bad but I am moving better. Hopefully tomorrow night I can get out forecast is clear and I am going to use the Tal lighter than the 5".

  6. Thank you to everyone that turned up Duncan, Peter, Steve who I didn`t get to meet next time maybe and Nick, lets hope when this Virus has gone we can have another one and build on this maybe get 10 next time.

    Really is a cracking site to observe better than home in light polluted skies went to my back door last night I could just make out Leo, the head had 3 stars from Shallow grange it was unmistakable, Orion nebula by eye so its worth the effort to get here.

    Thank you for coming to the first party I have started with help from Nick here`s to the future. 

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, pcdunx said:

    I am overwhelmed at the kindness, generosity and support from everyone at PSP, thank you for making me feel so welcome. Your gifts of food, beer, heater, warm clothing, planisphere and astronomy knowledge are so gratefully received. 

    With people leaving through health or needing to be back home for family, I am the sole survivor for Sunday night. Hopefully the predicted clear skies will materialise and I get my first proper viewing in a relatively dark area.

    Looking forward to the next start party....

    It was a great pleasure to meet you Duncan I just wish I could of stayed and if we had a good night you could of seen what a achromatic can do, I think you would of enjoyed the views. Hopefully get this virus thing sorted we can make arrangements for another meet.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

    Crawling out of the tent at 9am Saturday Wookie (Paul  I was expecting at least a beard! 😉) had gone. I hope your back's alright.

    The observing we did manage Friday night was hampered by a bitter wind and intermittent cloud until we were eventually clouded in and a nice warm sleeping bag beckoned.

    Most of my observing was done through Olympus 10x50 binoculars. The usual treats were a delight under the rural skies; The Double Cluster, Orion Nebula and Hyades, with not seen before nebulosity in Pleiades and extra detail seen in Orion through the Startravel 120.

    M51 through Nick's 8" newt was another Messier ticked off.

    Steve arrived late afternoon and we all hunkered down in Duncan's posh living room for a good chat, but with clouds showing no sign of shifting and a rubbish forecast, I bottled out starting to pack up at sunset, arriving home at about 9pm. I'm still cold.

    It was a pleasure meeting the chaps, Nick's a walking astro encyclopeadia! It's just a shame the weather didn't play ball.




    I used to have a beard but with having sleep apnea  diagnosed 6 years ago maybe longer I have to shave so the mask doesn`t leak.

    • Sad 1
  9. 1 hour ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

    Great! The 20 bottles of beer I just picked up from Lidl in preparation wasn't a waste of time.

    I will be solo. The other half's just finished chemo 3 weeks ago and had her last radiotherapy today, so for once is going to follow advice!

    Looking forward to seeing everyone. 

    Please send my regards to your significant other  I hope she feels better as soon as, Yes I am looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.

    • Thanks 2
  10. We are going to try to incorporate 

    workshop for mount / scope matters , including collimation and polar alignment.
    Masterclass in the night sky and visual observing. Guided tours and practical assistance .
    How to goto , what they don't tell you !
    Open forum and discussion

    If we can depending on weather. 

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