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Posts posted by wookie1965

  1. I was told to screw in the adjustment screws in all the way then back them off 1. 5 times from there collimate as usual then gently use locking screws taking care to look if the mirror moves. 

    If the primary is set right that will stay in place unless you bang the OTA

    To collimate in the dark, 

    Simple, get a laser collimator, ensure that it's collimated. Insert it into a Barlow and ensure that your focuser is wound in. If collimated you should see the outline of your primary centre circle ( marker) on the collimator screen. Minor adjustments with the primary adjusters will make this dead reflection centre. 

    My 150p needed a tweak every time I took it out. 

  2. On 21/12/2019 at 13:31, Neil H said:

    Ok so in lay man terms a fast scope draw light in faster to the mirror then  eyepiece , so this now makes me ask this 

    If you have a fast telescope the eyepiece needs to be very good as well ?

    BST Starguiders are inexpensive around £50 they will perform great in a F5 scope I know because I had one and still have a couple of BST'S. 

    The celestron xcels are the same great eyepieces a little bit dearer but look 9n the second hand market for them. 

  3. Just a heads up people if you are using EHU you will need something similar or the same in the pictures below I prefer a trip one. 

    March could be cold so take this into consideration, plenty of layers a fan heater you can pick them up for £10 safest thing in a tent. 

    Warm bedding nothing worse than being cold trying to sleep been there done that. 

    Plenty to eat with extra snacks and such like. 

    Pot noodles are good because it's a good warm meal. 

    Extra gas for camping stove nothing worse when cooking something and you run out of gas. 

    Just a few tips for camping in the cold no saying its going to be like that but it's best to be prepared. 




    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, Sky-J said:

    I've sent my deposit over and had my booking confirmed for all 3 nights. 

    Really looking forward to it and meeting you guys too. 

    Got to check the tent's up to the job now...

    I will probably have to leave the Sunday if I cannot rearrange an appointment hoping to but its a hospital appointment so not sure. 

  5. 28 minutes ago, Sky-J said:

    Hi everyone, happened across this thread yesterday and it looks brilliant. Haven’t been to a star party yet and this looks like the perfect one start with. So count me in and I’ll drop them an email to book. 

    Will be great to meet you all. I might have a couple of questions for you seasoned pros before packing if that’s OK. 


    It will be great to meet you and if we can help we will we are a friendly bunch. 

    • Like 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

    When they replied to my booking enquiry, I was only offered a £24 p.n electric pitch...

    Out all afternoon. Will pay deposit when we get home.

    That's what I'm paying booked 2 nights if weather looks good I will pay for the third but make sure they know its if it is only you and a tent I think that is cheaper but don't quote me. Myself and my wife are coming so it's £24 a night which to be fair is not a bad price. 


  7. Hi everyone spoke to the camp they are happy to have the 6 of us and anymore who want to come. 

    Can you all book with the camp directly use there email as they are busy and don't want to miss phone calls. 

    Quote PSP in your email and I look forward to seeing everyone there. 

    Thank you we will have a great time. 


    • Like 1
  8. On 22/01/2020 at 19:50, pcdunx said:

    As a beginner and newcomer to SGL, this would be ideal for my first star party. 

    I have been led here by a long established member (whom I have known for many years) and yes,  he has drummed in to me the correct etiquette of lights !!

    Can you confirm if you are coming please

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