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Posts posted by wookie1965

  1. 5 minutes ago, Phil Fargaze said:

    I’m a bit of an ‘offcut magpie’ at work so if you are stuck for any odd bits of metal, just let me know and I’ll see if I can help. 

    That's very kind of you if I do I will let you know thank you very much. 

    • Like 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, johninderby said:

    The upper knob will need locking into place. Some threadlock should do or a locknut either side of the knob or better yet both. 

    I've got thread lock going send for some knobs spacers and hex coupling. 

    I've got a tap an die set so that's easy will only need do one hole to clamp the adapter down and one for the North pin. 

  3. That's brilliant John I've already got the m10 stud bar so just need the knobs and spacers. 

    I can make a North pin out of a bolt and nut and file the sides flat. 

    Now just need drill and tap something I've only done once in a electrical installation test using tube to shield the cables but that was on the outside with a vice something I can not use with the head of the tripod. 

    I will work it out though I may be lucky and don't have to sell or buy anything else to do with this bl***y tripod. 

    Thank you everyone when I do it I will post the finished article. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, johninderby said:

    The spreader is easy to find however the centre bolt is very elusive. Needed one recently gave up after looking for weeks and made one myself. You can buy a suitable M12 knob and screw but need to have the thread removed along part of the length. Wpuld be simpler to just get a suitable length M10 knob and bolt.

    Hete’s an M12 one I made.


    I have the spreader plate, I have got a length of m10 stud bar I could use that but need knobs, did you just get a piece of M12 stud then rethread the bottom to m10 and how long is that bolt going need it go through the spreader clamp up to that go through the tripod adaptor into the mount. 


    2 minutes ago, JamesF said:

    Seems to be quite a high volume advertiser on AB&S assuming I've identified the seller correctly.  I'd have thought if they'd not sent parts that they'd clearly suggested were part of the deal by including them in photos then they'd be more interested in protecting their reputation and sorting it out.  And at least then you'd be able to sell it on as a complete item.


    Yes James got quite a few items for sale been a member since 2014 pity there is no way to get him kicked off the platform for mins-selling items. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Shame. To be fair the pictures show that it’s not an EQ6 tripod as the head is different, and no spreader plate or bolt. However I guess if you’ve not seen one before you might not know.

    I don’t reckon you would lose too much selling it on, as £50 isn’t a bad price, perhaps a tenner or so. My advice is save yourself any stress and just let it go. It’s just not worth it and very hard to resolve in the current climate.

    These are my pictures the ones he sent where different I've got the spreader plate. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Sorry to hear about this Paul, you do have some bad luck!

    SGL won’t get involved in transactions either on here, ABS or other sites, it is a private matter between buyer and seller.

    I can only recommend ensuring you get pictures of the kit you are buying, speak to the seller to be sure they are genuine, and use Paypal paying the fees in order to have some protection.

    I would not think it worth taking to any kind of legal resolution as I imagine the cost was relatively low. Probably best to resell it on with a clear description, chalk it up to experience and avoid the seller in future.

    I got pictures Stu and it looked like a EQ6 Tripod all together with the spreader plate showing some paint missing as described, when it turned up no spreader bolt no north pin if that's what you call it and when I put the adaptor plate on it did not fit, I then went on Google and found it wasn't even a EQ6 Tripod. 

    Really hacked me off I know it's £50 but how much am I going sell that for now with parts missing. This is what was sent 



  8. 6 minutes ago, faulksy said:

    do you mean you wouldnt see them because of your location?

    just go to a dark site


                    I live in St. Helens I would have to drive 50-60 miles get a dark site.  No I wouldn't see them from here too much light pollution.

    Plus I have this now,


  9. My nemesis M51 I have only seen this once through Damian`s Dob, I have tried from home with a 6 & 8 inch reflector and a 4 & 5 inch refractor no luck.

    Great read I doubt I would see any of the galaxies in the  makarains chain. 

    Stay safe everyone.

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