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Posts posted by johninderby

  1. 32 minutes ago, Piero said:

    The spread stopper is a great improvement in my opinion. I love it in my Uni tripod.

    I have one on my uni tripod and also my EQ6 tripod. So much better than the stock arrangements on both. 👍🏻


    I’m wating for someone to say you can’t fit thr Berlebach spreader to an EQ6 tripod. 😁😁😁

    • Like 3
  2. You would have to change the complete lens cell over so would depend on how the cell is fitted. Think they both screw on. Also if the outer diameter of the cells differ then you would also have to change over the dew shields.

    So it’s a maybe if the cells have the same threads or are you opening a can of worms? 



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  3. Short nosepiece for a ZWO camera. Should allow me to reach focus on the Daystar Solar Scout 60DS with a focal reducer. Does make quite a difference. 👍🏻

    ZWO Low Profile Cover - for All ZWO ASI Cameras Except the Cooled






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  4. Pulleys and belts intended for 3D printers will be ideal. Search for GT2 closed loop belts and GT2 drive pulleys. Amazon is a good source for the drive pulleys although usually sold. In small quanities not individually.

    Buy drive pulley with a 5mm bore and drill out to 6mm. The shaft on the Skywatcher Autofocus is about 5.95mm. Pulleys are available in 1/4 inch bore but that’s a bit too sloppy a fit. About a 40 tooth pulley should do. Belts come mainly in 6mm and 10mm widths. I prefer the 10mm but not essential.

    This belt length calculater is invaluable in working out what belt length to buy.


    You can buy lengths of the belts and make up your own drive belt. Youtube has vids on how to do this but takes a bit of practice to get a strong joint.

    You'll have to work out a way to mount the motor of course but each installation will be different.



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  5. Was nice and clear this moring. The new setup almost worked. With the focal reducer couldn’t quite achive focus. New short nosepiece ordered that should sort it out. At least the new camera worked and the full sun’s disc fitted in the Fov and the motorised focuser worked nicely. 👍🏻

    Out of focus image.


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  6. The Hitec controler driver only works with 32bit software at the moment although works with Windows 64 bit. This is because it’s an old driver written before there were 64bit apps.They are rewritting the driver and will release a true 64 bit driver very shortly. I’ll contact the software man at Hitec again tomorrow for an update.

    • Thanks 1
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