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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by johninderby

  1. The £££££ way to sort it.


    If going with the lazy susan option you will need to provide a little bit of friction with foam or velcro pad etc. to stop it spiniing too freely.

    Here’s one I did years ago and used chair glide pads to add a bit of friction but the foam / velcro way is easier. 


  2. 11 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

    What a fantastic looking scope.  I’m not a visual astronomer at all but it looks stunning. But I do keep thinking about one of the few times I used my (now sold) 12” dob and saw M57 through it. Maybe I should try visual again.

    Yes come over to the dark side. 😁😁😁

    Or should that be the light side? 🤔

  3. Just a  much higher spec scope than the Skywatcher. Great 2.5” R&P focuser, 9 point mirror cell, proper bearings, tube rings make it easy to balance OTA or mount on an EQ mount, anti reflective coating inside etc. etc. 

    In the US it’s sold under the Explore Scientific brand.


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