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Space Hopper

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Posts posted by Space Hopper

  1. You probably don't need me telling, but take care with the 140 / HW combo.

    I have a very similar setup, and i read somewhere the recommended aperture limit for the HW is 120mm -/+

    Above this, and especially with faster scopes, heat can build up inside.

    This has been debated at length on the various forums, and Baader have tested themselves with apertures up to 8". 

    I would have thought the 105 would have more than held its own on the sun, and find it interesting you think the 140 is that much better, but i guess aperture rules, especially if the seeing is decent enough for you.

    I think from my own location maybe the seeing never fully supports using a bigger aperture.


    MORE OF AN ISSUE is what i found out using a manual alt-az mount. If you let the sun 'drift' out of the field of view

    the sides of the HW can get hot too. I found this out myself, after letting the sun drift across a couple of times after being distracted I noticed a little smoke coming out of the wedge,

    and when i felt the body of the wedge it was overly hot.

    I don't necessarily think there was any immediate danger of damage being done, it could have been a bit of debris or perhaps an insect remanent  burning.

    But it unnerved me a bit, and i decided not to use my 140 with it and perhaps get a smaller refractor.

    Current funds prohibited that, so if i use the HW now, i'll just have short looks at the sun and then move the scope away to avoid any heat build up and just take extra care.


    You have a stunning location Magnus, i'm not at all jealous !! Love your Stellavue scope too. 

    One last thing  : the Baader HW converts really well if you want to binoview. I can recommend it !



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  2. Here is mine : The Amateur Astronomer, by John Gribbin. Long gone now, and this internet photo is not the best.

    It was published in 1979, and it was probably a Christmas present. I would have been around 12 years old 

    I read it all pretty much, and from then on went on to Patrick Moores yearbooks, which i also borrowed copies of past years from the local library.

    The seed was sown, although it was a few years after that i got my first telescope.



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  3. I was unaware of this, and such sad news it is. Such a nice guy. May he RIP.

    I remember him coming over to DDAS astro society - i bet it was 15 years ago to do a talk on telescope making.

    @glafnazur could you pass this news over to the society, if they are unaware I think you may have been secretary when David did his talk back then ?


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  4. Reactivating this thread again after a 6 month pause.....


    I've not heard much more about the OMC 185, things seem to have gone a bit quiet there.

    But what has caught my eye is that Orion optics are having a summer sale, with a 25% discount on their OMC, CT Newtonians & AG + ODK astrographs running from now till the end of June.

    So a good saving on the new OMC 185.

    Food for thought............

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  5. 6 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

    Just watched Sky at Night Pete Lawrence was talking about viewing Mercury during the day. 

    You do a 1 star alignment on the sun then goto Mercury. 

    Now the question is can you do a 1 star alignment on the sun with a EQ5 if so how please. 


    Why not use the moon if its visible ?

  6. Not so sure the focusers  are 'better' as such.

    The ones sold on all my OO scopes have been rubbish. Replaced with Moonlite's, but sadly you can't even do that now.

    Maybe the current scopes have better focusers, i don't know. You can even spend £500 !! 😦 on the new 'Eris' focuser if you want.

    I've had both the VX10 short and long in the past, as well as a CT10 and a VX12 F4 as well. The VX10 short is a nice size and not too much of a handful.

    Optically all my OO scopes have been really nice. But they are expensive new. 

    Not trying to talk you out of it or anything, but have you considered FLOs StellaLyra series ? 



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  7. 32 minutes ago, Flame Nebula said:

    I wonder if the light scatter reduction of fluorite glass made a difference too? 

    I wouldn't think so.

    I have 5.5" of Fluorite and find the 'E' star routinely difficult, but do see it from time to time.

    I've not conclusively seen the 'F' star which is much harder, and never got anyway near Sirius B.

    But my location has generally poor seeing and what i'd describe as 'fair on a good night.

    I'm also hampered by 56 yr old eyes and am observing at 53º north, so i have to be realistic about my chances.

    I do enjoy chasing these elusive targets down though. I'll get there one day.......😀

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  8. @powerlord Yes i'm exactly the same. I really am struggling with it all at the moment.

    Total lack of enthusiasm. Just the one dark site session this year.

    But i think lots of factors in play here. Awful weather, Bit of depression and seasonal adjustment disorder, shift work, declining health and eyesight,

    and i feel like the last 4 years have sucked the soul out of me in all departments.

    And yet, despite all of that, i still feel like buying a new scope /  camera & lens.......

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