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Posts posted by saac

  1. Alan, Olly, tx - I agree the colour is a bit muted. I do tend to go for a light touch on colour but yes I agree that there is a bit more it can give here. I'll check the debayer pattern has been picked up correctly as well.  The colour in the stars could certainly be brought out.  Thanks guys, first time with data over multiple nights (only used Flats/Darks from the last night) so I was a bit anxious to see how it came out. :) 


  2. We had a good start to the new year last week in NE Fife with 4 good clear nights in succession; gave me an opportunity to image over multiple nights for the first time. I managed to capture close to 10 .5 hours (240s subs) with my RedCat and ZWO 183MCPro - no filters save UV and IR cut.  Processed in PixInsight then PS.  Criticism, hints and help most welcome. 






    • Like 9
  3. 10 hours ago, maw lod qan said:

    El Nino has been bringing rain and clouds constantly. 

    This morning was the first time I could even see the sun on a day off. I did manage a half hour to look at the activity on Sol.

    Now the Moon and Jupiter are directly overhead and the sky is covered with high clouds to thick to view thru.

    Only good thing is it's in the 60's F.

    60F that is  shorts and T shirt weather here - I dream of being able to do astronomy in those conditions, that is the proper way :) 


    • Like 1
  4. That is a lovely setup you have there Nigella. I don't know much about the Cq350 so looking forward to hearing how you get on with it. How are you planning to raise the pillar?  I suffered the opposite problem when I upgraded with an Esprit 120 this summer. It collided with the internal roof supports!  I ended up lowering the pier by cutting in a new foundation for it.  The added benefit made it an easier lift when putting the scope on and off the mount.  Anyway, looks like you are having fun there, these are the enjoyable projects. 


    • Thanks 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

    A beautiful crisp day here in Liverpool, followed by a clear evening and now I'm ready to venture out... cloud... 🙄

    I was way too optimistic earlier on this evening, totally clouded over now. But as @Chaz2b said Thursday night looks like it may have some potential :) 


    • Like 2
  6. 10 minutes ago, DaveS said:

    Sitting here trying to get warm, blummin' wood doesn't want to burn. Utter rubbish. It's only warmer than outside in relative terms.

    You need a blow torch Dave - nothing worse than wood that won't burn.  My observatory thermometer said it was -4, that seemed a bit too low, though it was really cold when standing in  the wind. One of those nights where you can smell that there is snow in the air.  I'm almost glad that the clouds have rolled in, I'll be pulling the roof back shortly I think.



  7. Started off nice and clear here in NE Fife around 1830, thought I may be in luck and get 3 nights in a row of imaging so I setup. About an hour and half in and I think the high level cloud cover is just going to get busier and settle in, slight wind picking up too.  I'll let it run for another hour just in case but I think tonight will be written off - at least its dry and I can see some stars :) 


    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Budgie1 said:

    Passing snow showers with a thin layer of snow on the ground, so no imaging up here tonight. 

    Martin I think the stuff you are having is coming to visit us here sometime tomorrow morning I think - might get a snow day :) 


  9. Started imaging at 1830 tonight and still going - single figure subs lost to occasional passing clouds -  target is the Garnet Star and IC1396. If this keeps going I'm in danger of pulling off my first 6 hour image run :) 

    So it's clear but cold in NE Fife tonight with yellow warning for snow on its way at some stage!


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  10. 6 minutes ago, Ratlet said:

    Up about 60 miles north of Inverness seeing the folks.  Should have packed the scope, but at least had the svbony 10x42 in the boot.  Got a good look at the pleiades and a scan from vega to capella.


    I bet it is real nice and dark there. :) 


  11. 1 hour ago, chopples said:

    Just in case anybody isn't sure @M8rix007 is trying to use his tablet for both asiair and movie streaming whilst out in the field with the iPhone being the "router" along with internet connectivity. Ideally he would like to both see the internet and asiair at the same time (via iPhone) but whatever reason it sent playing ball


    Yep we get, that  but it may be an idea to test all connectivity routes to see if there is a wider problem. :)  

    As an aside, I'm sure that the Air doesn't need to be permanently connected to the phone to complete its imaging run - once setup it will run autonomously without any connection to phone - as far as I am aware (happy to be corrected) . So an easy work around would be set up the Air using its wifi , get it the image session running then log off the Air wifi and stream your movie as normal. If you want to check on progress just reconnect to the Air via wifi. :) 


  12. 13 minutes ago, M8rix007 said:

    i should of said from the start i am lookig at being sat in a middle of a field with no home network lol

    That's fine it makes no difference - all I will do is connect to the ASiAir with my phone as though I was sat in a field - I won't be connected using my home network. I've just fired everything up so, I'll get back shortly on what I find. 


  13. I connect to my AsiAir via ethernet with my laptop in the house when I'm imaging (permeant setup) . On occasion, if I have to redo polar align or refocus the guide camera I'll connect at the mount using a mini iPad. I've never had any trouble connecting to the AsiAir via the mini iPad and just simply connect to the AsiAir  SSID broadcast, I don't use its Station Mode.  I've very occasionally used my iPhone to connect, tbh I think I did it maybe once. I'm waiting to see if it will clear tonight and if I get an imaging opportunity i'll try connecting with the iPhone to see what happens. 


  14. Thought it may be fun to share location and sky state.

    NE Fife - 1700 Sky is clear and darkening , astro twilight at 1734 :) 

    Just home from work and straight out to observatory before I got into the house to get the roof rolled back. Happy days we have a genuine clear sky tonight (fingers crossed it lasts). Good luck all. 


    • Like 1
  15. 22 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    The last great eyepiece professional and the first great astrophotography professional were one and the same person, the incomparable E.E.Barnard.


    The sightly in focus photograph of the Moon taken by my 12 year old self through my trusty tasco 60 mm  was none too shabby in my mind :)


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  16. 15 minutes ago, Elp said:

    I think there's a biological response to doing visual, much like when you get deja vu or smell something which takes you back to another time and place. Seeing something with your own eyes elicits a response that we're more receptive to.

    I always put it like so, a camera sees over time whereas visual you see at the time. The camera will always reveal more than you can see visually, it the main reason I do it as from my location even seeing something like m13 is the faintest of smudges. But the visual experiences are the ones which stay with you for some reason and generate a more emotive response.

    From the moment the camera was invented it was mated to a telescope. Photographing the cosmos and the stuff in it is as part of astronomy as nighttime is.   There is no divide, there is no one or other.


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  17. 12 minutes ago, Mr H in Yorkshire said:

    But doing which bit, what is most important?

    Different for different people there is no absolute here .  The tinkering with kit is in my blood, I love the system integration, making it all work.  I also love the aesthetic  in the form of the final image but always within the limits of equipment and conditions. I don't torture myself on a search for a perfect image - only a perfect image within my limits. Finally ,I love the science, hey it's Physics, how can one not but love the beautiful subject. I'm not a big fan of processing tbh so the idea of buying just data leaves me cold  :) 



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  18. @AstroNebulee, totally get where you are coming from Lee. I've followed your DSO imaging and it's always been a pleasure to see what you produce, for what it is worth you have been a great advocate of what is possible with the little AZGTi mount. I have one myself and I'm always looking to find out what you have been doing whenever you posted images up.  I agree with you on not selling anything, your situation may change in a few years and you may well find you have better access to a garden or you may decide to do a bit of wild astro photography at some stage, so yes hold on to everything for as long as you can.  My big limiting factor at the moment is weather windows - I've pretty much resigned myself that if I can get 4 hours on target than that is probably the max in one sitting.  It can be frustrating but my attitude is be content with what astro imaging/observing you can do with your limitations. Some amazing folk here are working from balconies and heavily light polluted areas like London !!!  Ok so park the DSO imaging for the moment and enjoy what you can in a more comfortable way, good luck. 


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