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Posts posted by saac

  1. 11 minutes ago, Ags said:

    On the Dark Web, you can buy AI models trained on evil, just in case you want help penning scams, extortion or anything else shady. So in a few thousand days, we can look forward to email scams written by superintelligent AI?

    Then we can ask an super Ai to produce and Ai scam counter scam. They will be caught in an endless self destructive loop while we can sit back and enjoy tea and tiffin :) 


  2. The only time I would have the clutches unlocked is when it is mounted on it's pier/tripod and I am positioning the scope for say home or polar alignment. You don't want the mount to swing when you are transporting it say taking it off the pier/tripod so the clutches would be locked then. A mount, especially if the counterweight is attached, can swing unexpectedly and unbalance if the clutches are off. 


  3. 5 hours ago, GasGiant said:

    Ask 1 million people to look at a full moon andhat we c tell you what colour do they see. 1 million people will say shades of grey 

    But that does not mean the colours are not there and it is a marvelous thing that we can enhance what we can't see - just as the telescope does for distant objects :) . I think it's already been mentioned but as we age we lose the colour acuity of our youth; I'm always impressed that my daughter can pick out the subtle colouration in the orion nebula while all I see is grey. :( 


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  4. 1 hour ago, Ratlet said:

    Have you posted pictures of your setup?  From the outside.  I'm looking for inspiration.

    I have a build thing somewhere Ratlet, I'll update and upload some photographs tomorrow. It's a commercial (off the shelf, well garden centre) octagonal summerhouse. Must be up close to 10 years or more now, how time flies, and seems to be standing the test of time. I went for all cedar, a bit more expensive but good longevity (resists rot) and it looked nice.  Converting the roof to roll off was actually not as difficult as I had first thought , Roof is perhaps heavier than I would like (it has a double skin) but hey it has resisted departing the rest in all the high winds and gales we have had in the past 10 years. :) 


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  5. Was on the way out to the observatory to fit an ethernet panel connector to the pier and the postie dropped this month's Sky At Night through the letterbox. Well it would be rude not to sit and read it - work can wait, I love my observatory, my happy place :) 





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    2 hours ago, GasGiant said:

    This why I dont trust a lot of astro images. Its all edited with artistic license.

    One pet peeve of mine are the colourised images of the moon. Utterly ridiculous in my opinion  

    The use of false colour is a legitimate and well exercised technique in professional astronomy. The colours are not placed randomly they are used to differentiate the presence of different elements, surface relief, gravitational field strength, temperature and a whole range of other physical properties. It is a legitimate scientific practice used not only astronomy but virtually all sciences. 


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  7. 19 hours ago, PeterStudz said:

    I enjoy being outside even when it’s cold.  And of course it’s not the same. I also got rid of as much unnecessary tech as possible. No PC or laptop for me, although I have a smartphone and iPad. Personally I was more than happy to see the PC out of the door having worked in IT for 30 yrs 😀

    You see that is it, it should be difficult and it should require some effort to reflect its worth.  Yeah I'm happy with the cold, the dark and the frustrating clouds and the occasional tech failure, just makes the images all the more valuable to me. 


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  8. 21 minutes ago, MartinB said:

    Thank you so much @saac and @Elp.  I think I might now have it sorted in my head.  I now appreciate that preview mode has a rotate function which can't be transferred to plan (as far as I can make out!).  Using the sky atlas in plan mode doesn't allow rotation but is always set at an orthoganal position.  I am going to stick with this for the time being but now understand how to adjust if I need to following your clear instructions Jim.  I'm still not quite sure why my import from telescopius didn't bring the panes together properly.  I have followed your advice Elp and set the asiair running with the camera connected and now have the plan fully loaded.  Just got to wait for another clear night now!  

    You got it. It's when in Preview mode where you first acquire your target that you set your camera rotation and framing.  I think it is important that once you have done that you again plate solve (while still in Preview mode) and that transfers to the framing information to Plan mode. Hope you get some clear skies to test it out, I had to abandon my mosaic run last night again as the clouds rolled in. Massive amount of dew last night as well, come on winter we need you :) 


  9. 9 hours ago, Elp said:

    Think the post was more to do with how far along AI image generation has come along though...

    But that the thing, I don't think it actually has reached anything near commendable. There is something about Ai generative art that just leaves me reaching for the bucket. :( It's akin to the early days of PowerPoint where people flooded presentations with stupid clip art and transitions on every page. For me it still has some way to go before it is treated as something other than a curiosity. 


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  10. 1 minute ago, MartinB said:

    Brill, thanks Jim.  

    I have developed some mild cognitive impairment which can make it difficult to get things right in my head but hopefully things will be spot on with my next attempt!

    Hopefully it will make sense and work Martin. I'm not saying it's perfect by any measure and I'm happy to learn if you work out something that can be done better. I've only started using the Air for mosaics over the last few weeks so still on the learning curve myself.  Have fun, it's actually quite cool watching it run automated like this. :) 


  11. @MartinB ,  ok not necessarily the best instructions in the world but they may help. Give me a should Martin if you need me to explain anything.  Now there may be other ways of doing this but this appears to work ! Note the last line should say go back to Plan View not preview - open up the Plan (click on the straight line icon under the title Plan) and make sure you click the radio button to turn it green for each panel - this activates the panel when you hit run.





  12. 17 minutes ago, MartinB said:

    Last night was a failure.  I successfully populated the plan for a 4 panel mosaic of the North American Neb and Pelican with a 25% overlap.  I did my best to ensure the camera was orthoganal with the Telescopius view.  Panes 1and 3 aligned nicely although the overlap looked more than 25%.  Ditto for 2 and 4 but there was a significant gap between the 2 pairs.

    @saac I would love to be able to do this entirely with the ASIair Plus.  Much of what I have read suggests you need to do the initial mosaic set up in preview mode and when you have done this you click on the plan icon bottom right.  This plan icon doesn't show up for me.  Another problem I have is that it would be nice to set up it up during the day.  Unfortunately when I enter the sky atlas the mosaic icon is not active.  The only way I have found to set up the mosaic is with the mount and camera connected and slewing to the target.  So at the moment I can't find a way to go through your workflow using Plan mode from the start.  

    It is very frustrating but I am very grateful for the help and would welcome more!

    Martin I'm going to be trying another mosaic run tonight again I'll pay more attention to what I'm doing and grab some screen shots. What version of ASiAir are you running and which one is it pro, plus or mini. I'm using the plus ver 2.1 (10.74).  Don't set it up in Preview mode try using Plan mode instead.  


  13. I'm running a mosaic, 3 panel of M31 at the moment, using the Air mosaic menu, I don't import anything from a second app all done from the Air.  I think the Air's menu makes it a really straightforward and an easy task. From the sky atlas select the mosaic icon and then define the number of panels you want to use - you adjust the sliders to set the number of panel. The orientation of the panels will appear in sky atlas for you to check and make sure you are happy with the coverage - you can also specify the overlap (10 % is the default). Then open plan and here you can open each mosaic panel and enter your auto run details, exposure, bin, number of repeats etc. Once you have done that hit run and that is it. It was quite pleasing watching the 1st panel complete and then the 2nd panel kicking in.  Hopefully the clouds will stay away and allow the whole mosaic plan to complete.

    Here's a screenshot of the progress in plan view. I like how you can track it graphically towards its meridian flip



    Screenshot 2024-09-17 223053.jpg

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