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Posts posted by saac

  1. 22 hours ago, Ratlet said:

    I've never believed the delivery times, but I live quite far north so I'm usually just grateful to not be charged £20 extra because my postcode starts with AB3 rather than AB2.

    That really shouldn't be allowed for a public service. I can understand private companies doing it but I think public service should be the same rate across the UK. I know Royal Mail is run by a private company now but it is under a remit to provide a public service at the end of they day.  I think the island communities get hit particularly bad with that model. 


  2. 2 hours ago, apaulo said:

    In reality, we are still peering through the letterbox out onto the street. We havnt even opened the door.

    But even if we do get out onto the street our understanding will still remain a limited interpretation. There will always be different models for the same phenomena. The wave/particle nature of light is a classic example. 


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  3. 6 hours ago, Paul M said:

    Mr. Varitasium certainly likes to stir the hornets nest!

    He recently did a video about electrical energy not flowing in conductors, but in the fields generated by the agitated electrons carried in them, or something to that effect. It caused a bit of a storm in the on-line community. 😀 

    And that is its value. He's not teaching physicists, he's opening the average punters eyes to some astonishing subjects. In my limited view, the video posted  above is more a matter of devils advocate playing at semantics, stating the obvious in a provacative prose.

    Anyway, he seems to have reduced output in recent times but his work is generally very watchable!


    In science our explanations, even though we may put on them grand titles of "laws or theory",  are only ever a interpretation of reality - they are in fact ever changing models. So depending on our need, we can think of current as a flow of electrons carrying charge inside a conductor or if our need is different we can think of it as described by Mr Veritasium as induced by a fluctuating electromagnetic field.  Both models are effective at what they do. 


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  4. It takes little effort if any to re register a new account if one's original account has been dropped due to inactivity. If the interest is to protect members from scams then removing dormant accounts is surely a lesser harm. No, this wouldn't prevent all scams but it would certainly mitigate against other scam activity and would be relatively easy to implement. 


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  5. It does seem a bit officious. But then again there may be a reason why the club has adopted that policy;  maybe they have been mucked about before by members. If it's the only club in reasonable travelling distance for yourself then why not go along and see what it is actually like, remember you will also be assessing them to see if they fit your needs.  It works both ways. 


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  6. Ah so you are to blame for the weather, Feb has been poor so far across in Fife. :) That AM5 makes for a good looking setup. Are you using the PoleMaster rather than the ASiAir for polar aligning.  My PoleMaster hasn't been used for some time, I quite like the way the ASiAir does the polar align even though I don't use it that much now. 


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  7. That's a nice setup you have there Paul, looks like you have a good amount of space inside your obsy.  Flips are definitely cool to watch, tbh I get a kick out of watching the scope do a simple goto move as well - something about the way it moves with purpose. 


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  8. Are we at the stage in the discussion where we need to introduce pronouns for all our various categories and append them to our signatures 😁  Or perhaps we could have specialised emojis to identify the way we, err identify 👁️‍🗨️


    • Haha 2
  9. 3 hours ago, maw lod qan said:

    Earlier I saw a member say he thinks the term astronomer seems to imply some sort of intellectual or scientific endeavor. 

    When I "gaze" into the heavens thru my telescope I'm doing it to enjoy the beauty above me and to increase my knowledge of the infinite universe. 

    I guess that falls into both groups, scientific and intellectual. 

    But deep down inside I still know I'm an amateur amateur!

    If through your observations, calculations and conclusions you can show that the universe is infinite then you will certainly be an Astronomer and perhaps even on your way to a Nobel Prize. Now that would be a niece day out :) 

    • Like 1
  10. 43 minutes ago, 900SL said:

    Navelgazers may be more appropriate, Jim lad, Argh argh!

    I'm just popping out for a game of darts. Kindly refer to me as an Aeronautical Engineer  😉

    Surely Precision Ballistic Engineer Practitioner  at least or are you still under training. 😀


    • Haha 2
  11. 43 minutes ago, SCANS said:

    This is a fun topic to read through on a pleasant Saturday morning. I'm firmly in the stargazer camp. I have yet to achieve a level of proficiency in astronomy to be comfortable calling myself an astronomer. I'm all about the dreamy, experiential aspects. It's a pursuit I enjoy for unwinding from the challenges and stresses of day-to-day life and I find that I do far more gazing than observing. 


    That's similar to what I feel when I'm out doing my non astronomy activity. There is strictly no scientific objective aim or goal, no rules, no health and safety policy or corporate rubbish to follow or observe, no quality plans and quarterly reports. Just me,  occasionally my dog, just pottering about looking at the night sky.  Usually the only formal observation I make is "it's bloody cold so time to go in" or "crap here come the clouds". I make a a serious effort never to record those moments nor entertain thoughts of publishing them. For those who are doing genuine science, you have my respect, after a day at work I would not have the energy nor ability. It is my relaxation time where I get lost in the moment.  


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  12. 3 minutes ago, iantaylor2uk said:

    I should have added in my original post that I too am a Chartered Engineer, although I got mine through the Institute of Physics! 

    I think enough posters here have made the point that simple observing (either visually or taking photos) IS science and so we are perfectly entitled to call ourselves astronomers. For those who for whatever reason choose not to, does this mean you don't join astronomy societies?

    I think I see now the root of where we disagree Ian. For me science is a little more than taking notes, taking pictures and making observations. That sounds more like journalism. As for joining societies, I'm firmly with Groucho Marx on that one :) 


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  13. 3 minutes ago, Stu said:

    I know one thing is for sure, my reports are full of highly non scientific language such as ‘nice’, or when I need to be a bit more specific ‘really nice’, with the occasional ‘lovely’ thrown in 🤪. Not sure what that makes me!


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  14. 2 hours ago, JeremyS said:

    I heard someone say stargazers use refractors and astronomers use reflectors 🤔

    You've been listening to those professional astronomers with their loose talk again 😉 


    • Haha 3
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