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Dark Adaptation

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Everything posted by Dark Adaptation

  1. So do I, actually--though I use Stellarium more often than SkySafari. SkySafari is more useful when you're outside, though, and need a star map that radiates its own light.
  2. Thanks a lot! I don't have an astrophotography kit, and I really wanted to participate in these challenges.
  3. Hi, I have a quick question. Would it be possible to submit a drawing of the constellation? With details about how I drew it? Or does it have to be photographed? I'm not thinking just dots for stars and lines connecting them like a star map--more like a drawing similar to what you would get if you captured the image with a camera. Thanks!
  4. Mr Angry 🤣 One can hope...maybe let's wait for a bit. Also, they couldn't make the parts on the Orion capsule waterproof enough to use?? What?
  5. I looked at the title of the video, and the "Unacceptable" part caught my eye. I don't think it's unacceptable--they're sending people to the moon! They still have to take the parts off the artemis rocket and put them into a new one and make sure all the gizmos work and ensure a safe environment, and then have to go through all the weather things and so on and so on. So don't get me wrong. I would love for it to launch as early as possible, I'm just thinking...2025 might just be realistic, when you count in all the variables. Seriously though--should we have a second thread? Or is it too early for that?
  6. Did the same here, maybe it did... Orion has splashed down! And now for the thread, So Artemis 2 flight AKA Should launch some day, date pending! 😁
  7. I think you may have just made my favorite deep space subject nebulae...this is Beautiful, capital B.
  8. Looks like it'll be really sturdy! The cement mixer looks like a telescope to me...
  9. Dark Adaptation


    From the album: Moons

  10. Here are some more: A different crescent view: A moon in the clouds: And a view that I think it might be like to fly over the moon (still a legit image, edited to be at a different angle):
  11. And Artemis 2 is TENTATIVELY scheduled for 2024. I'm just not sure if we could stand the suspense again--perhaps we will have so, Artemis 2 flight AKA Should Launch Someday, date pending.
  12. See the First Stunning Photos of the Earth and Moon From Artemis 1! Odd title, considering that I can see more of the Earth with my own eyes and more of the moon through my 2 inch telescope 🤣 Now this is a much better image ^^^^^
  13. Ah, okay, thanks to all above! (And below, if anything else comes in). Especially good to know that the lens doesn't come off too.
  14. So I've been curious about what camera would be good for astrophotography, and whether a really expensive DSLR would be strictly necessary. I would only want something for amateur photography, not really deep sky objects. There's one I found, would this be a good camera? If I attached it to a telescope with an adapter, perhaps? I'm very amateur, so I wouldn't know 😅.
  15. That's a good one for the flat-earthers! 😂😂 "All roads lead to Rome". They weren't wrong. Just walk for long enough, starting from Rome, and you'll get back to the same spot.
  16. What moon? You mean that hologram in the sky? The one that comes up every night and glitches sometimes so that it comes up in the day?
  17. Not a bad idea. Got any other Artemis conspiracy theories? 😂
  18. Wow...what a picture. That is a very good sketch! 👏👏
  19. Perhaps my best picture of a crescent moon. Taken with Mak-Cassegrain 750x60mm and just an android phone. I'm actually quite pleased with the results, the contrast is good, good view, and sufficient detail. I think the conditions that night might have helped as well, because I have pictures of the same kind of stuff that aren't quite as good.
  20. Oh, okay, I would have thought they would do the cameras last as they would be the easiest or something. Piccies--🤣
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