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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by Gina

  1. I'm calling this Dual and Triple Rigs because I plan to make a triple imaging rig with three ASI 1600MM-Cool cameras and Astrodon 3nm filters with three vintage film SLR lenses of very high quality. However, I only have two cameras at present so I shall start with a dual imaging rig but with provision for easy upgrade later.

    As I mentioned in the DSO Imaging forum, I'm planning a mosaic project covering the Milky Way in NB.  This requires that the cameras can be rotated in unison to line up the mosaic panels.  My plan is to rotate the cameras using gears and stepper motor controlled by the electronics (using a special INDI driver).

    The first 3 screenshots show a CAD model of the triple imaging rig.  Two of the main assembly and one of the frame or bracket.




    There are a few problems with 3D printing this frame so I have split it into two with each half individually bolted to the Losmandy type dovetail bar. 

    The next screenshots show a partial assembly on the dovetail bar and one side in the S3D slicer.  




    • Like 8
  2. The sky was such that I was able to image the Orion area a few nights ago and here are some results.  The FoV doesn't match that for the mosaic as I didn't have remote camera rotation nor had decided how the mosaic would be built up at that time.  I'm not totally satisfied with the results - I think the OIII was overexposed.

    Here are some image stacks resulting from processing a couple of hours of Ha and OIII together with a simple colour combination.  Processed in PixInsight.




    • Like 1
  3. One of the problems of making mosaics is that the camera needs rotating from one panel to the next if the panels are going to follow on neatly.  This first panel is with the cameras at -45°.  The next panel above it needs turning to 0°.  This FoV is shown in the next screenshot.  To provide this I shall be making a dual imaging rig with remote camera rotation.  This will be the subject of another thread.


  4. Using 28mm f3.5 lenses on ASI 1600MM0Cool cameras and Astrodon 3nm filters I am starting a project to cover the Milky Way in a mosaic of something like 6 panels.  Each panel will have a FoV of 36x27 degrees. I shall be taking Ha and OIII wavelengths to start with and may go on to add SII later.

    This is Cygnus & Cepheus in Ha and OIII and a couple of bicolour versions.





    • Like 20
  5. char chDT[16];
    void showLocalTime()
      struct tm timeinfo;
        myDT = "Failed to obtain time";
        else {
          year = timeinfo.tm_year + 1900;
          month = timeinfo.tm_mon + 1;
          day = timeinfo.tm_mday;
          hour = timeinfo.tm_hour;
          minute = timeinfo.tm_min;
          myDT = "";
          myDT += year;
          myDT += "-";
          if (month < 10) {myDT += "0";}
          myDT += month;
          myDT += "-";
          if (day < 10) {myDT += "0";}
          myDT += day;
          myDT += "  ";
          if (hour < 10) {myDT += "0";}
          myDT += hour;
          myDT += ":";
          if (minute < 10) {myDT += "0";}
          myDT += minute;
        myDT.toCharArray(chDT, 16);

    Then something like

      client.publish("local/datetime", chDT);


  6. I'm thinking of getting the time from ntpServer

    const char* ntpServer = "pool.ntp.org";
    const long  gmtOffset_sec = 0;
    const int   daylightOffset_sec = 3600;
    void showLocalTime()
      struct tm timeinfo;
        myDT = "Failed to obtain time";
        else {
          year = timeinfo.tm_year + 1900;
          month = timeinfo.tm_mon + 1;
          day = timeinfo.tm_mday;
          hour = timeinfo.tm_hour;
          minute = timeinfo.tm_min;
          myDT = "";
          myDT += year;
          myDT += "-";
          if (month < 10) {myDT += "0";}
          myDT += month;
          myDT += "-";
          if (day < 10) {myDT += "0";}
          myDT += day;
          myDT += "  ";
          if (hour < 10) {myDT += "0";}
          myDT += hour;
          myDT += ":";
          if (minute < 10) {myDT += "0";}
          myDT += minute;


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