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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Put micro SD card back in RPi and powered up. WiFi connection showing fine in router device list with same IP address as it should be having been set up as static BUT can't connect with Putty I need to connect with SSH/Putty as indiserver needs setting up.
  2. Backed up onto HD of W7 desktop Tried writing the image onto another 8GB micro SD card but got an error saying the disk wasn't big enough - seems different makes have slightly different sizes. I have one or two 32BG cards if needed.
  3. Firstly to shut down cleanly and avoid problems from just cutting the power - sudo shutdown -h -P now
  4. Guess the next thing is to try it on the observatory but maybe I should make a backup first! Then the next job will be check out KStars and see if I can find a target.
  5. It's suddenly become live - the Select Profile is available and I've been able to click the + button to Add Profile now set it up and it's WORKING I can slew from the settee
  6. Now I'm trying to work out how on earth I managed to setup Ekos last time. I have the instructions but they bear no relationship to what's on my laptop in KStars/Ekos 1. Select Profile is greyed out! They don't say where the Profile Editor is
  7. synscan. But the only difference is that the syncan is supplied with the hand controller - the mounts themselves are identical. For computer control you don't want the handset (and shouldn't try to use it) PC connects via USB to serial adapter to the socket the hand controller plugs into.
  8. I've connected the NEQ6 to the RPi and 13v power now to see if it works So guess I need to start indiserver with the mount driver...
  9. Or maybe I'll take an afternoon nap...
  10. Checked up and changed a couple of thing going by this site and rebooted. But still WiFi not seen by router
  11. Though I'd try to get the WiFi set up until I'm ready to build the focuser but no joy - followed the instructions and rebooted. Ethernet connects fine and is shown in the router devices list but the WiFi isn't. Does it matter it the WiFi wlan0 static IP is the same as the wired eth0? Here are my network config files but with SSID replaced with s and password with p
  12. A4988 driver module with sockets, placed on HAT. Needs soldering and links put in but I'll see what else I want to put on the board first.
  13. I should have some too - another search coming up Wish I could get myself (and my stuff) organised
  14. The RPi takes 600mA not driving anything so dropping 7v (12-5) will produce 7x0.6 = 4.2W - if you go analogue you'll need a decent heatsink. If you power other things off the RPi say by USB or GPIO, that will go up. Another idea recommended by Raspberry (I think) is to use a powered USB hub and run both RPi and camera etc. off that but an imaging camera needs to run directly off the RPi USB so I don't see how they make a USB hub work! I'm thinking of using a buck converter with enough current capability.
  15. OTOH... I would like to get my main DSO imaging system changed over to Linux ASAP so I may spend some time on that. I have no problem with running two projects side by side though these are hardly two different projects. I can do some testing indoors - I have my NEQ6 mount indoors and could easily bring the camera rig in. Bea rung in mind that the EQ8 works exactly the same as the NEQ6 on EQMOD ASCOM I don't foresee any problems with INDI when I move the RPi setup out to the EQ8.
  16. I think the first system I shall work on will be the all sky cam, then that project can be finished or at least working with RPi control and imaging. My ultimate aim for that comprises :- Capture sky image on ASI178MM and save data on client HD Control focus Turn dew heater on or off Measure temperature inside dome Measure ambient temperature outside dome The first three will get things going and make the ASC usable from Ekos. I think the RPi will handle 1-wire but not sure about an INDI driver. I use 1-wire DS18B20 digital thermometers for temperature measurement. I've been switching the dew heater with a power MOSFET from Arduino which has 5v logic levels whereas the RPI uses 3.3v. I shall need to check that the logic level MOSFETs I use work with the lower logic levels.
  17. Looks like time to stoke up the soldering iron
  18. Seems to have built and installed the four drivers correctly
  19. Both those have installed - neither were present before.
  20. Here's the contents of CMakeLists.txt :-
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