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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Now imaging Orion's sword in OIII. 10s gain 440 -30C and set up for about 3 hours imaging - 900 subs.
  2. Warmed up the laptop with a fan heater and taken it back out. Now working again so hoping it will keep going for an hour or two. I've ordered an electric pet blanket from Amazon due to arrive Friday.
  3. Laptop has stopped working properly again so I'm going out to bring it indoors to warm up - I'm going to have to arrange a heater for it.
  4. Imaging tonight. Firstly linking IC405/410 to Simeis 147 in Ha. 60s sub with gain of 600. Simeis 147 can just be made out in the top LH corner in this screenshot of a well histogram stretched image in PixInsight. I plan to change over to a 105mm f2.8 lens to give a slightly wider FOV than the current 135mm f2.5 lens for the next time we get a clear night sky.
  5. Yesterday's flats were overexposed so re-doing them. Here's a screenshot of APT. Shows how little vignetting there is with 1.25" filters on the ASI1600MM-Cool.
  6. Checked well over a thousand subs in Blink and now processing a pile with BPP in PixInsight
  7. Just completed darks and flats Darks needed for exposure of 10s and gain of 440 and flats needed as I have had the rig apart and put back together.
  8. Good idea Hugh My whole observatory runs off an ELCB supply. My overnight imaging run seems successful Currently downloading the data. Having warmed up the laptop and then keeping it warm with a blanket (a nice thick bath towel actually) seems to have done the trick but not sure if it will be enough when it gets colder. I want to replace the laptop though with a headless computer at the pier-head or mount.
  9. After meridian flip and realignment. I have a feeling that M78 is just outside the frame but I didn't want to lose any M42.
  10. Still working I have a nice thick towel draped over the laptop to keep it warm Now imaging the Orion area from M42 to M78 including the Flame Nebula and Horse's Head. Taking 10s Ha subs with a gain of 440. Here is a screenshot of PixInsight showing a single frame histogram stretched to bring out some of the fainter stuff at the expense of M42. I'm hoping to capture several hundred subs to give a reasonable dynamic range. Unfortunately Orion is due so disappear in the SW before the night is out.
  11. Here's a couple of screenshots of the obsy laptop - Heart and Soul in SharpCap and focussing on a star with 400% zoom with my remote focussing system. Good clarity and seeing tonight - stars only a couple of pixels wide.
  12. Well I'm blowed - that's it! With the laptop warm SharpCap is working fine
  13. I have the laptop indoors now in case I could think of something to try to fix it but I haven't thought of anything. But if it is temperature I could try running SharpCap on a spare camera and see if it works. If it does I could take the warm laptop outdoors and connect the imaging rig and see if it works - I might get an hour or two of imaging - it's still clear.
  14. Well it works fine during daytime - why should it go wrong at night?
  15. Clear sky tonight and everything set up and apparently working until it got dark then neither SharpCap nor APT would work!! I had SharpCap running before it got dark and the rig aimed at the tree on far hill that I use to set up focus. Remote focus working fine and no problem getting an image in SharpCap. Then later when it was almost dark and SharpCap still imaging the tree and nearby road with traffic, I slewed to the Heart and Soul in Cassiopeia and thought I saw the Heart shape. Then I tried to move the Heart into the frame better but in spite of moving the mount, the image didn't change. Found SharpCap wasn't actually working so that was the image from a little earlier when I first slewed to the Heart Nebula. Tried rebooting the laptop but then SharpCap just showed a black image whatever exposure I chose and the exposure didn't match what I had set Restarting SharpCap made no difference. Then I tried APT with nothing else running and it just stopped at the end of the exposure saying "busy". I don't think this is either software - I think it's my laptop and this is the only laptop I have that has Windows on it. In most respects the laptop runs fine - no problem with any other software - I've been using it to run a 3D printer with no problem whatsoever. So why won't it run my astro stuff??!! I've been waiting weeks for a clear night and now the software won't work!! Depressed of Devon!
  16. I'll be watching that with great interest - thank you very much I'm using KStars/Ekos/INDI for my all sky camera with RPi 3 as server at the masthead and WiFi - just power cable up the mast. Working well I shall be converting my main imaging rig in due course.
  17. This screenshot shows the coverage of the Orion area with the same lens and orientation.
  18. Goodness knows when it might be with the current dreadful weather forecast but I'm thinking the next thing I might image is the linking frame from IC405/410 to Simeis 147 with the camera rotated around 90 degrees and later in the night, with this orientation I can cover the Orion area from Flame to M42. Here is a screenshot of CdC showing the area concerned and the rectangle representing the sensor FOV. Part of IC405 plus the whole of IC410 is in the bottom corner and part of Simeis147 in the top corner close to the star Beta Taurus.
  19. Yes, that's been suggested before I do seem to be good at posting threads that don't really fit anywhere exactly
  20. Hmmm... Been through the forum list and it seems to "fall between two stools" - Imaging Equipment. So it falls within the Equipment group but not into any forum within this group. Guess I'll put it in this forum (Imaging Discussion) as another thread then admin/mod could move it if they think it belongs somewhere else. I'm posting it here :- Computer for Image Capture
  21. I was having problems again with the astro laptop and running both SharpCap and APT - needed a cold boot, a remote reboot didn't do the trick. I don't think the laptop likes the environment in the scope room and it's stopped working with the longer USB cables from the warm room (including on cable and USB hub at the mount). I'm thinking of having another go at the Beeline mini PC box but I'm trying to decide where discussion of this belongs now that this thread is supposed to be about imaging ideas etc. I don't think it's "DIY Astronomer" related exactly either. Must go through the forums here and see which it would fit into...
  22. Just been out and shut down - closed roof. Extreme dew tonight - wet everywhere except on the camera lens so my home made dew shield plus some warmth from the gear kept the dew off the lens I expected to find I would need a dew heater but seems not. Switched the dehumidifier on to remove the damp from the air and equipment surfaces.
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