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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Been through the OIIIs again and pruned drastically - now have 373 which I'm feeding into BPP.
  2. Thanks Ken Here is a "preview" from Photoshop after applying levels and "Enhance DSO and Reduce Stars" plus cropping the borders.
  3. It needs the DBE treatment but here is just levels applies in Photoshop. (I really should see how I do this in PI). I shall need to remove the uneven borders resulting from registration but might as well leave this until after I register the different wavelengths.
  4. Yes, I've been reckoning on around 300 subs and that's mainly what I've been doing. Finished and result is much better. Here is an unstretched screenshot. 278 subs integrated. I'll post process in Photoshop but I think it only needs a slight "lift" in levels.
  5. I think I'm better off limiting capture to just a hundred or two - or even fewer. Otherwise processing takes an inordinate amount of time. I need a super-computer
  6. Now been all through the Ha subs and towards the end there was definitely thin cloud going through so I've dumped all those. 279 subs left which all seem very good. I make that 140 dumped. Now I'll run ImageIntegration again...
  7. I think I'll have to Blink all those Ha subs again but I thought I'd dumped all the poorer subs. Now I have calibrated and registered frames I guess it's best to use Blink on those rather than the originals. I'll do that...
  8. Well... the result of integrating 419 Ha subs of the Heart and Soul is absolute RUBBISH!!! The result from the other night with just 35 subs was very much better!
  9. Been processing the Ha data. BPP crashed at the integration stage so I'm running ImageIntegration separately on the calibrated and registered frames - all 419 of them - it's taking hours!! On the last phase of pixel integration now. I looked that the OIIIs too after collecting them all together - don't know how I managed to capture so many - the total is around 1200!!! Quite a percentage of these are dud, unusable due to bad framing or just poor. With so many there's no point in using any but the best. I've been through several hundred in Blink and dumped a lot. There's still more to do.
  10. Been sorting out all my data - I think I now have it organised. I'm putting source files on my USB3 2TB external drive except those found to be poor or duff in Blink - they get deleted. Now processing the Heart and Soul in Ha - I find I have 419 lights of 60s with gain of 440 and mostly -30C. The data looks good so I should have a good Ha result. Nearly 7 hours of data
  11. It's misty here too so doubt there'll be any imaging tonight but I live in hope
  12. There are gaps in the clouds now and the moon is showing
  13. Just popped out and turned the rig 90 degrees. Also, capturing 8s g300 t-30C darks. There is a sign that the clouds might part
  14. Just seen that myself and was going to suggest this coverage
  15. This screenshot shows the coverage when rotated 90 degrees.
  16. Thanks Ken OK I can go for shorter exposures as well as lower gain. I'll take some more darks in readiness Here is the current result with matching darks but the amp glow is still showing. BPP followed by BDE then into Photoshop where I applied levels and "Enhance DSO and Reduce Stars". I'm thinking of rotating the rig 90 degrees so that I can cover this area while cropping out the amp glow. OTOH I'm wondering why the amp glow hasn't been calibrated out.
  17. I could probably reduce the gain further or even the exposure time and increase the dynamic range to help capture M42. This is quite a bright area of sky in Ha This area would be better captured with a narrower FOV though.
  18. 22 was the number of subs captured and of those one failed registration leaving 21. I'll grab more any time there a few minutes of clear night sky Currently capturing 80 15s g440 -30C darks.
  19. Same but with "Enhance DSO and Reduce Stars" from Noel's Actions. This shows great promise considering it's only 22 subs of 15s - just 5m 30s integration time.
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