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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. This is very strange. The Living Room display seems to update just occasionally and the Outdoor Pressure has another blip! Anyone any ideas?
  2. Something funny going on. When the Outside sensors started the Living Room ones stopped. Surely the RPi Zero W broker isn't being overloaded by this small number of clients!! There's another funny too with the Outside Pressure - a sudden and transitory high reading.
  3. I've put the Outside/Observatory sensor back out in the obsy to read the outside conditions. No obsy data because the DHT22 is dead and will be replaced by a BME280 tomorrow when it arrives (or when it stops raining). Of course, in the future there will be no need for two readings of the atmospheric pressure. Note though that these two BME280s supposedly measuring the same pressure, differ by 2hPa. I shall probably remove the decimal part as the pressure is less accurate than one hPa and any more resolution is pointless (no pun intended).
  4. Well, I do have a dead DHT22 but not too bothered about that. I too have plugged DIP chips in upside down.
  5. I found the DHT22 problem - my incompetence - got power wires crossed. I shall have to watch it or I shall be destroying something costly!! The new BME280 breakout board (due to arrive tomorrow) has a pin to control the I2C address, so no problem.
  6. As posted in the MQTT thread, I'm definitely going to use MQTT to control the roof and have already written some code and designed the controls. I'm pretty sure I know how to do this. The only doubt is how well the rain detector will work. I will be doing some experiments.
  7. Having ordered more microUSB cables, I've found another and the one I've been using is working fine. Oh well, can't have too many I guess 🤣. Also, with all the ESP32 modules being fine I shall have a nice collection of those in the end too! Also useful items...
  8. Thanks Wim but all is sorted out. Changed Port from /dev/ttyS0 to /dev/ttyUSB0 that fixed it and I'm now uploading again merrily 😀
  9. Found an alternative BME280 breakout board on Amazon with selectable address. I've underlined this in the description HALJIA GY-BME280-3.3 High Precision I2C SPI Breakout Barometric Pressure Temperature Humidity Digital Sensor Module Board Compatible with Arduino Raspberry Pi ARM DIY Etc. Edit :- Looked at the datasheet and it s=doesn't need solder links changed there's a pin that does it.
  10. Thing is, can I use two BME280s on one ESP32 and if so how? They will both have the same address on the I2C bus. I could use two ESP32 modules but this seems a bit extravagant. If I need to do that sobeit - the cost is relatively small.
  11. Now working on the other nodes/clients. Firstly the one that was in the observatory and used an outside (in Stevenson screen) and inside the obsy. BME280 outside and DHT22 inside. For testing I have it indoors. The BME280 is working fine but not the DHT22. When I touched the DHT22 I nearly burnt my finger so I unplugged it!! Maybe what they say about DHT22s being unreliable is right though I've used them successfully in the past on an Arduino. Maybe I should use a second BME280 as they're considered better.
  12. PHEW!!! Now I just have to work out where I had go to with the MQTT network.
  13. PROGRESS!! Decided to look carefully through the Tools menu. Thought I would try Port : /dev/ttyUSB0 instead of /dev/ttyS0 and looked the same until I pressed BOOT hard and it uploaded. This was with the electrolytic capacitor connected (which appeared to do nothing!!).
  14. Shut everything down on the Mint box and rebooted from cold. The MQTT broker RPi switched off. Started Arduino IDE and loaded the sketch that works on the Living Room EST32 sensor unit. Nothing else running other than standard background stuff. Same error!
  15. Can't use the same cable as it's a different USB connector on an Arduino.
  16. That says it's Windows! My underline.
  17. I don't know how to erase flash with the esptool. If I did do that would the Arduino IDE still work?
  18. Just realised that I also have several old Arduinos that I don't care about but that's a different type of board altogether. Would that be a realistic test?
  19. I don't have Windows at all other than in a Virtual Box on the Mint machine and I've never got USB to work from that. 1. No 2. No 3. See post above. 4. I do have an ESP8266 that I can try - worth risking a few quid. 5. Never stopped the MQTT broker when doing uploads before.
  20. I was going to say the USB cable is alright as it's currently running the ESP32 Living Room sensor but that only needs power the data is over WiFi so it could be that the cable has developed a fault in one of the data lines. I can't find another micro USB cable so have ordered some more.
  21. Made a mistake about when the new ESP32 modules were due for delivery - it's next Tuesday not today 😡
  22. JZK ESP-32S ESP32 Development Board 2.4GHz WiFi + Bluetooth Dual Mode Antenna Module with Ultra Low Power I have 3 of them. One is currently working fine and talking to MQTT and Node-RED Dashboard. The two I'm trying to upload to have been working fine and I have uploaded to them dozens of times as I've been experimenting. Something has happened to stop that working but I don't know what. I don't really want to try the one that's working in case that fails too and I lose the working system (Living Room in Dashboard display).
  23. Connected 10µF capacitor between EN and Gnd with jumper wires and tried uploading but still no joy! I don't think the device is dud because the USB port is recognised and it got as far as wanting the BOOT button pressed. OTOH something is wrong. I'm expecting 2 more ESP32 modules in the post so I'll try those.
  24. Thanks. Found :- [SOLVED] Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header I guess I've worn out the BOOT push button with so many uploads! Seems strange that a capacitor on the EN pin does what pressing the BOOT button does but sobeit... I'll try it and also a good little mod anyway.
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