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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Here are a couple of photos showing the finished mounting on the roll-off-roof of my observatory.
  2. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Started a new installation, set up WiFi, restarted from cold and then added the INDI drivers and other astro apps and enabled SSH using the AstroPi3 script. Once I've edited and installed the Astroberry driver code and got it all working, I can produce a new micro SD card for the ASC with the controls labelled correctly and using WiFi. I have added the instructions to my tutorial blog - Setting up a Raspberry Pi for Astro Imaging and Control - Ubuntu Mate
  3. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Apart from WiFi (and maybe tidy up the code) this project is done. I have started a new micro SD card with Ubuntu MATE for a brand new system. Have WiFi working but having a problem installing the astro stuff - going to start afresh and try again. When I have that sorted out I can write the new blog. Actually, I could start the blog before the software. I'll think about it - my brain is overhaeting in ths wether.
  4. Can't remember now. I think it might have been considered better.
  5. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    With a nearly full moon and no astronomical dark I don't think it's worth bothering to do an imaging run overnight.
  6. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Exposure 10s. Camera temperature 2.5°C.
  7. I used regular floor boards on my floor.
  8. Coming on nicely I've been sneezing a lot and I don't usually suffer from hay fever but the pollen count is exceptionally high!
  9. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Exposure 0.1s - camera temperature 2°C.
  10. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Some proper cloud coming in now from the SSW.
  11. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Exposure 300µs. Camera temperature 5°C.
  12. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Contrails ad nauseam!!!! Camera temperature 9°C.
  13. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Camera temperature 10°C. Contrails in the sky and cattle in the field.
  14. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Camera temperature 10.8°C. Wispy clouds or contrails...
  15. Have wide dovetail bar from Esprit scope rig but the 500mm x 250mm x 10mm huge lump of aluminium is in hiding ? How anyone can loose such a large item I don't know!! But I have lost bigger things! It's even hotter now than earlier so things will just have to wait.
  16. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Camera temperature has been up to 18°C but now back to 16°C - good enough. Latest image.
  17. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    I'm currently capturing an image each minute with exposure of 32µs and gain of 0. With cooling on LOW the camera temperature is hovering around 15°C with an ambient of 24°C in the shade but more where the ASC is, in the direct sun! The cooling is certainly effective. I would imagine the camera reaching at least 30°C in the hot sun, probably more.
  18. Taken the telescope out to the observatory and noticed that the EQ8 needs a wide dovetail bar rather than the narrow one on the scope so I'll have to take the bar off the Esprit scope and put it on the solar one. I've been thinking though that I might be able to put the solar scope and the Esprit 80ED side by side on the mount using the large 10mm thick aluminium plate I have. If I can do that it will save either swapping scopes or making another observatory/pier for the Esprit. It's very warm in the observatory even with the window open and I might wait until it cools off a bit before doing much in there. I can sort out mounting parts in the meantime. The telescope that has been adapted for Ha solar has a focal length of 1200mm as compared with 1000mm of my MN190 so could make a good planetary imager with the PST swapped for a colour camera and the ERF removed. That would be easier than swapping scopes I think.
  19. I think I shall need to arrange some sort of shading to keep the strong sunlight off the equipment except for the front of the scope, and myself. Once I get imaging working I can go and hide in the shade ?
  20. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    I'm now looking forward to the new moon and hoping the clear weather lasts until then. Meanwhile, I plan to produce a new setup with WiFi. I need to get rid of the wired connection.
  21. It is ?? EQ8 mount now slewing, tracking and parking fine. I plan to take the solar scope out and mount it on the EQ8 this afternoon and see if I can get it tracking the sun and see a prom or two.
  22. Gina

    All Sky Camera Mark 7

    Indeed that was the reason for ALL the faults! The ASC is now working from the CAT6 cable and imaging nicely. Initially with the camera cooler on full the camera temperature was 1.2°C now with it on LOW the temperature has risen to 11.5°C. I think this shows that the cooling control is working. Can't tell if the dew heater control is working without a remote current reading. The CAT6 cable is exonerated!
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