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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Are you sure you mean 0.9mm layer height? Yes, agreed - that is amazingly bad for you! 😄
  2. Amazon Prime delivery brought me a 1TB USB3 HD which should help with the vast amount of data I'm hoping to capture with my astro imaging. The CMOS ASI1600MM uses hundreds of short exposures of 32MB each gobbling up HD space at an alarming rate. And processing in PixInsight uses even more. The external drive is to unload stuff off my main system SSD which is only 500GB.
  3. Good luck printing those tiny parts, Chris.
  4. Can't tell if KStars will find them where it's put them until I get a clear night sky and can plate solve. There are some breaks in the cloud now so whether tonight is anyone's guess. I've shifted more files about and freed up more space on my system SSD ready for more images or for processing what I've got. Brain sluggish ATM due to overheating!! Also, just received another TB USB3 HD so should be better prepared for imaging. The ASI1600MM-Cool camera with it's hundreds of short exposures uses up a lot of disk space.
  5. It's been on hold for a while - been concentrating on my widefield imaging rig. I don't think there's any problem with the driver now. Thank you. Hope you got a good view of the eclipse.
  6. Found them! /home/gina/.local/share/kstars/astrometry. 27.3GB of them
  7. Even more odd is they haven't been saved to the right directory. They've gone somewhere because the remaining space has gone down. I'll search for them.
  8. Turning Index Files off didn't stop them from downloading!! Just letting it do it. I've moved 47GB of videos from main SSD to a 500GB HD so there's plenty of room on the system drive now. Well enough anyway - I think.
  9. Total cloud cover tonight so taking Darks. Cleared some space on the main SSD.
  10. It's been downloading index files even though I turned some of the bigger ones off. I didn't even click OK. Stopped when the SSD was full!
  11. Didn't need a solve before but then again it didn't work.
  12. OK so I can now get the Index Files window open but the FOV is 0.0' x 0.0' whereas previously is was showing large numbers of minutes. I thought it got it from the FOV Symbols from the Settings menu but it isn't now. I can't be set in the Index Files window.
  13. Found it! Needed astrometry.net installed in Linux Mint.
  14. Still getting the same error, just in different colours. The file /etc/astrometry.cfg doesn't exist - I guess it needs astrometry set up, but where?
  15. KStars is running again, now to set everything up again...
  16. I'm in Linux. Think I've done it - after some errors. Removed old KStars and installed KStars bleeding and KStars data bleeding.
  17. I wondered if KStars needed updating. I can't find "Update" - it is a case of downloading and installing? (or with Synaptic?)
  18. If it isn't fitted with a UK plug, check the voltage, it might be for US mains of 110 or 120v.
  19. I've searched all the INDI settings for the mount and can't see anything there. Looks like it's going to be cloudy tonight so probably won't be able to do any imaging for testing the plate solving anyway but I'd like to get this set up for the next clear night. I can take Darks though.
  20. Been trying to download astrometry index files but no joy! Read these instructions in The KStars Handbook :- Following these instructions produced this pop-up error :- Clicking OK went here :- Then whatever I do, such as setting a box for an index file again brings up the error box. What am I missing?
  21. Been reading The KStars Handbook and PHEW - KStars does absolutely everything!! Lots more than I used to do in Windows and all easily accessible. I am IMPRESSED!! Maybe Windows setups will do all this if you buy expensive software such as SGPro but... I have already done a lot of setting up including adding a rectangle to show the FOV on the starfield view like in CdC but CdC doesn't have the arrow showing which side is up (or it didn't in the version I was using a couple of years ago). I like the automatic setting for exposure of Flats by choosing ADU. If we get any clear sky at all tonight, at least I can have a "play" - getting used to the controls and options. I see it can do what AstroTortilla could do - take an image from a previous run and slew to the same position.
  22. I'm running KStars on my Linux Mint desktop and have been for my all sky camera for a couple of years so well used to image capture and camera control plus camera cooling (DIY cooling system), DIY focuser and dew heater control. Now with DSO imaging I need to control the mount and bone up on that. I'm hoping slewing to the object and plate solving is easier in this than it was with the Windows system and AstroTortilla.
  23. I keep adding bits as I find the information. I use KStars as client - free Open Source software, multi-platform so works on Windows and Mac OS etc. as well as Linux.
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