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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Biggest I have is 3mm I think 😄 But the biggest I've used is 2mm in Spiral Vase.
  2. No problem Chris. In fact, I plan to write this up in a Blog when I've got it working.
  3. Here's hoping that provide Ubuntu support soon!
  4. Now have my version of the Astroberry Board installed. This provides control of camera cooling and dew heater plus a simple focussing system. Here are my versions of the Astroberry Board source files :- rpi_brd.hrpi_brd.cpp I replaced the original files in the astroberry-diy directory but found that just recompiling didn't use the new files so had to force it by deleting the build directory. Then I recompiled using the following commands :- cd astroberry-diy mkdir build && cd build cmake -DWITH_WIRINGPI=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. make sudo make install This was followed by indiserver -m 100 -vv indi_asi_ccd indi_rpibrd to run the server. Then to KStars/Ekos to Start INDI. The reason for not having the focus controls on the main page is to avoid accidentally changing the focus after carefully setting it up.
  5. Tomorrow I'll replace some of the files with the ones I edited to suit my own hardware and maybe get it all working. I'll just repeat here that the safe way to remotely shutdown the RPi is sudo shutdown -h -P now After that the only way to reconnect is to power down the RPi and power up again.
  6. I ran sudo apt-get install build-essential and then followed the instruction in Radek's Astroberry DIY page and it all worked.
  7. These are the CMakeOutput.log and CMakeError.log files :- Log File 2019-06-30 Error File 2019-06-30
  8. Now trying to install Astroberry DIY but have a problem. Here's a screenshot of the Terminal display. @RadekK I wonder if you can help, please. This is on an RPi 3B+ with Ubuntu Mate 18.04.2
  9. It works! Logged on from Mint desktop and set indiserver to run the camera driver then ran KStars/Ekos, connected to the ASC and set up the camera for capturing and downloading image. I shall be updating my Tutorial on setting up the RPi with INDI for astro imaging shortly. Having changed the RPi from the last time I ran the ASC the system queried the connection so I followed the instructions for clearing the error as shown in this screenshot. Finally, here's the first image from the new RPi 3B+
  10. Script finished. Probably installed more than I need but easiest to let it just run 😁 A couple of questions to say y/n to but nothing critical AFAIK. Most pretty obvious. Next comes the testing. Then I shall want to add my own controls for things like focussing, camera cooling and dew heater.
  11. Found it earlier in this thread. The test for dpkg in use is not needed and is wrong anyway so I shut down the RPi and moved the SD card to my desktop for editing. These screenshots show the script file location and the edited script - highlighted in green. I just commented out the required lines (#).
  12. Set up Ubuntu Mate fine including WiFi and so far so good but on trying to run the AstroPi3 script to install INDI etc. I got the "dpkg is currently locked ...)" error message. Now I had this before and fixed it so now I'm off to scour my posts and blogs to see if I can find it.
  13. That was it - now running Ubuntu Mate 18.04.2 😀 Thank you very much. Now I have to hope all the rest of the firmware works.
  14. Ah - there's a different version of Ubuntu Mate for the B+. Downloading now ready to write to card with Etcher.
  15. OK I'll try rewriting the OS to a card and try that.
  16. I've been running Ubuntu Mate 16.04
  17. This new RPi does look a bit different from my others - it has a metal top on one of the chips. This is dated 2017, the one that was in my ASC was 2015.
  18. Done some Googling... THIS is relevant perhaps. I have tried three different micro SD cards, all with a working Linux system on them. I'll do further testing before asking for a return.
  19. I can, yes, though the PSU works fine with other RPi's. Later :- Just the same - supply of 5.050v. The red LED comes on and flashes but the green one doesn't (it does on other RPi's). The red LED does 4 long flashes and 4 short flashes as a sequence over and over again.
  20. Connected the RPi to monitor in HDMI mode and applied power with a standard RPi PSU (and micro SD card with firmware on) but just got a multicoloured display with the lightening symbol in the RH top corner that indicated low voltage, so I checked the input connection with my DMM and read 5.122v which is correct and not low. Seems this sample is faulty!! GRRR!!!
  21. RPI 3B+ has arrived but needs setting up with monitor etc. for comms.
  22. I'm thinking of setting up to observe Jupiter tomorrow, if I can find a suitable eyepiece. Whether I get the ASC working tomorrow remains to be seen!
  23. Drat, drat and double drat!! The RPi is DEAD!! No LEDs light up when power applied. Yes, I did unplug it from the HAT. Isolating the GPIO from the power circuits with opto-couplers is not much use when the HAT has it's own track running where a spread solder connection can short to it!! GRRR!!! I won't let it happen again and at least it's not an expensive component destroyed. That's it for today! New RPi 3B+ ordered from Amazon due to arrive tomorrow.
  24. Well, there shouldn't be but testing on the ohms setting with my DMM shows a short between the +12v power line and the +3.3v data supply line on the HAT. No connection to other GPIO lines such as Gnd or +5v. Later :- Found it! A very thin track on the top of the board started at the end of the +3.3v rail and went along the edge of the board to a pad on the other edge going past where the +12v supply runs. The solder evidently spread to the track resulting in a connection to the +3.3v line. I just hope the RPi isn't damaged. Now to find out.
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