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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Since I'm using an RPi for remote roof control I can easily add a webcam to watch the imaging rig. This will be supported by the KStars/Ekos/INDI system same as imaging cameras.
  2. My all sky camera is on the books but lower priority. When it was working it was very useful for watching for clouds. Currently the remote focus isn't working and the new case needs finishing. One plan I had for a deluxe ASC has been scuppered by ZWO discontinuing their ASI 385MC-Cool camera.
  3. I'd like a C14 too but would be satisfied with something a little smaller 😄
  4. Looked in my lens box and I have two more 105mm f2.8 lenses. I remember now that I had set up a triple imaging rig at one stage with three Atik cameras - since sold. So with two 105mm lenses I don't need to bother about the fogged up lens - it can take as long as it needs to dry out. One thing is certain, I'm not doing any more unsupervised imaging until I have the ROR automation with rain detection working and that is now top priority.
  5. I have another 105mm lens so maybe the best thing is to take the foggy lens off and put the other one on. Then the foggy lens can be dried out, hopefully.
  6. Wired cable to the limit switches. Now to feed the cables to the position of the control box. I can also route the cable from the rain detector through to the control box.
  7. Oh well, plenty else to get on with. Dismantled part of my observatory to run concealed cables. Just the interior door and panels on the middle wall on the scope room side.
  8. Most of the wiring done and been looking into the Arduino sketch for the Nano. Have a problem - can't upload from the Arduino IDE to a brand new Nano (or to a couple of others).
  9. Would the felt compress with continuing pressure on it?
  10. Yes, realised myself that I couldn't test that it plate solved in daylight.
  11. Just thought of that myself - I could, couldn't I? Just a matter of setting the time for night-time and testing an imaging run.
  12. Next clear night I'll probably sort out the meridian flip. Meanwhile, I'm still gradually proceeding with the ROR automation job.
  13. CO is showing a bit more promise for Thursday and Friday but in meteorological terms that's a long time!
  14. Guess they come from New Zealand... Coat at the ready...
  15. Most of the parts fitted to the box and some wiring up completed.
  16. Very nice. Yes, that's what I have in mind.
  17. I reckon on getting the whole of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex and then some with the 28mm lens. The 105mm might be a bit narrow for Barnard's Loop but other lenses and telescopes can have a "field day" in Orion. This sort of thing and more :- Probably extending past the Orion Nebula. This is an area I've imaged before but not much with the ASI1600MM-Cool camera.
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