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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Thought I'd try a meridian flip and it seem to have worked.
  2. Autofocus completed. Moved focus from 1000 to1132. Here's a 20s Ha sub of NAN and Pelican. Some of the stars look a bit odd.
  3. Even without focussing this lens looks much better, Now running autofocus.
  4. Not really - I can remote focus manually and then take an image and see the result. I can't see that a Bhatinov mask could achieve anything.
  5. Made a small improvement with manual focus but the stars are still around 10 pixels wide.
  6. Yes, autofocus applied and that was the best!! HFR of 2.37 but it looks a lot worse than that. Think I'll try a manual focus.
  7. With an image this bad I think I might as well give up for tonight!
  8. Set up for imaging tonight with a different 105mm f2.8 lens but this one seems poor compared with the other one. Still showing condensation but very slowly clearing. Thought I'd image the NAN as I haven't done much on that. Here is a 30s Ha image using ROI set to 2500x2300px stretched and resized in GIMP.
  9. One day I'll connect up my proper mains feed to my observatory - it's only been 8 years I've been running on an extension cable 🤣 Armoured cable is ready to connect to a 13A plug in the back porch and to the consumer unit in the observatory warm room.
  10. Genuine Arduino Nano has arrived but that won't allow upload either! Tried several versions of the IDE but no joy. Went over to my W7 laptop and still no joy. Device Manager said device was working properly on COM16. Then tried the new Chinese clone and it reported as being on COM13 with DM saying device working so tried edited Blink sketch on that and it worked!! I always use the example Blink sketch to test an Arduino though it needs editing to show an actual change as Arduinos come with Blink already installed. All the Nanos I've tested had a working Blink sketch. The new genuine Arduino Nano Blinks and W7 Device Manager reports the USB-serial chip as working on COM16 so I don't know if the Nano is faulty or something else is wrong. I suppose that as far as this project is concerned, I can program the working Chinese clone. Can't say I'm happy though.
  11. Best to give any concrete blocks or stones etc. a good soaking to get the new concrete to stick to them. As I recall, I just used poured concrete, with plenty of prodding during the process to get rid of bubbles and ensure the concrete filled all gaps.
  12. Just tried that - same result (with cheapo Chinese clone and CH340G chip). Supplied in cardboard box labelled Elegoo.
  13. Some time ago I tested a new filament for them - woodfill - this was supposed to be their own formula. Apparently they have a chemistry team (probably just one or two people)
  14. Not sure they do - have to ask the boss - Ed Tyson.
  15. This Nano is being shipped from Arduino in Italy so should be the real thing. I use thicker cable for speakers. This smaller cable is adequate for astro use with around 3A and 13.8v supply. I measured the resistance of this cable and the 10m length (2x5m) measured 0.2 ohms. I estimate under a meter from power box to ROR control box and maybe 1.5m from control box to motor. Total 5m for the round trip. Motor current is about 2A - maybe 3A at startup giving a volt drop of 3x0.02x5 = 0.3v. That won't slow the roof movement much! I used a thicker version for the 4m run from warm room to pier head - 16.5A and that was one side only - the earth is good thick house earth bonding cable (10mm^2 I think).
  16. As I understand it, rigid.ink brew their own concoctions and extrude it.
  17. rigid.ink's 1kg spools seem rather small compared with ColorFabb's standard 2.2Kg and they also sell 4.5Kg and 8kg spools. With the rate I get through filament the bigger reels are a benefit. Yes, I know RI do 3Kg reels of some filament.
  18. Yes, I did - and the Facebook video. Gutted, as I've found nothing to beat their filament. However, they are not the only supplier and they are expensive. ColorFabb in The Netherlands do economy ranges of PLA and PETG with are almost as good and a lot cheaper though limited in range of colours. Their full price filament retails at about the same price as rigid.ink (not helped by the exchange rate).
  19. More low voltage, high current twin cable has arrived. This is for the power suppl;y and the feed to the motor. The high current rating is not for carrying a high current but for minimal resistance and hence volt drop. A genuine Arduino Nano is due to arrive tomorrow - I've gone right off cheapo Chinese clones!! False economy - I want something that works and continues working!
  20. Think I have sorted out all the optical parts, spaces, adapters, etc. for the dual imaging rig. To do is a new 3D printed mounting and a second control/capture electronics box and contents. This will not happen for several days as there are higher priorities. The ROR automation project is proceeding gradually...
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