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Posts posted by sloz1664

  1. Hi Carlos,

    I use Levesdome software for dome control in my Pulsar and in the setting parameters it defaults to 2 degree tolerance on the dome position. have a look at the setting parameters on your dome automation to check. BTW 2 degrees equates to around 35mm movement, so it shouldn't worry you in the slightest, :)


  2. Hi Steve, 95% of my electronic failures are down to usb leads failing. Try changing  the usb lead. It's highly unlikely it's a driver issue as this would manifest itself a lot sooner than 2 hours and -20 degrees should not affect the f/w. If you can try another programme to rule out an APT issue. If all fails contact Terry at SX.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Hi Mark,

    I tend to use frame and focus when I am way out of focus. I set my camera to binned 2x2 and exposure to 3s. Using the Focus Control module. I take one exposure, tick the use subframe and drag a box around a prominent star. I set my course steps to 100 and start Frame and Focus on continuous exposures and move the course steps in or out until I get the smallest star profile. Stop Frame & Focus, untick use subframe & I then proceed to use the auto focus routine in the Focus Control module by hitting the run button, for accurate focus.



  4. Yes I built one and it works very well in conjunction with SGPro. Once set, the light settings are accurate and it makes the taking of flat frames a simple process.


  5. Quote
    6 minutes ago, steppenwolf said:

    The postman brought me a new UGREEN USB cable for my QSI 683 WSG-8 camera 👍 Sadly it didn't solve my camera disconnection issue 🙁 However, I found a work-around that seems to be 100% reliable so I now have a good quality spare cable 😎

    The postman also brought me a replacement 32Gb SanDisk memory card for my Disting 4 :icon_scratch: as the original one just died - great service from Amazon on both counts 😍


    I purchased a UGREEN 12v powered usb2 hub a couple of years ago. Not faltered yet.


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  6. Well Steve after your two week apprenticeship you are now classed as an IT expert :)

    I agree Win 7 for me, as I have lived and breathed this software after the disastrous Windows Vista. Although I'm amiable with Win 10, like yourself, the thought of transferring over to it fills me with dread.

    Glad to see you have finally got it up and running. Now you need another hard drive with a backup of a backup of a backup of the backup of a backup.......you get my drift...


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