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Jiggy 67

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Posts posted by Jiggy 67

  1. If you have SkySafari, it contains an observing list of double stars from the Cambridge Double Star Atlas which I have been working my way through. Contains most if not all the above.

    1 hour ago, SuburbanMak said:

    Beta Monocerotis, below & off to the East of Orion’s Belt  is a cracking triple.

    Out of all of them, Beta Mon has to be my favorite…..stunning triple star!!

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  2. 13 hours ago, Neil H said:

    Hi I use the celestron power pack the big one I can run telescope and dew heaters it's rated for 10 hours I have not done 10 hours but does last a long time 



    I use this Celestron one as well. It is expensive but very good for visual use. I run an EQ6 R Pro and 2 or 3 dew heaters for 5/6 hours with no problem and two lights remaining (indicating that it is still 50% charged

    • Thanks 1
  3. Been looking forward to tonight as it’s forecast clear and all green on CO so setup early. 
    Been out for the last hour under horrible conditions, everything soaked in dew with an atmosphere akin to looking into a swimming pool!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen it this bad……anyone experiencing similar??

    I am going to give it an hour, turned everything off apart from dew heaters (I’m visual only) and see if the skies dry out a bit

    • Sad 3
  4. Let’s not forget, observing astronomical objects is a very challenging pastime. It is dependent on numerous factors including quality of equipment (you are right to upgrade ep’s, your current ones will be poor but eventually you will want to upgrade everything!!….it’s not a cheap hobby), seeing conditions and transparency which can spoil your obs regardless of equipment, light pollution levels……..and expectations. Visually Andromeda will only ever look like a dim grey smudge (unless you have very dark skies) as will all galaxies, most of which you won’t be able to see. The planets are heavily affected by seeing conditions, one night you will see Jupiter as nothing but a fuzzy disc, the next you may be able to see some banding which will require heavy concentration over a period of time with dark adapted eyes and good conditions….this hobby is not easy!!

    You might wonder why anyone bothers….for me it’s the challenge of seeing something thousands of light years away and trying to tease as much detail out of it as possible, often resulting in failure…..but I’ll try again later.

    The Pleiades maybe just a collection of bright dots but together they make for one of the most beautiful objects in the sky, all clusters are similar, they are bright dots against a darker backdrop, they will never be anything different…..but many of them are stunning.

    Keep at it and you will enjoy the effort required for some very small wins

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  5. I don’t think it’s sensible to permanently fit a finderscope to an OTA, for all sorts of reasons, damage, storage, transport. And there is no way you can expect it to be aligned across multiple scopes or even the same one after removing it, the very act of removing it from the shoe will send it out of alignment the next time you put it in the shoe as the locking screws will move it. I always align my finderscope on the first alignment Star, takes about 30 seconds 

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  6. Nice report, doubles can be challenging indeed and not just the separation. I was observing Xi Cephai in Aries the other night, a lovely double star with a bright white star and a blue companion close by , they look beautiful together……however it’s actually a triple with a third star further away from the B component, only problem was that the third star is 12th magnitude and I just couldn’t see it

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Alan White said:

    I spoke too soon, the cloud parted, so got out with a Solar Scope and the AZ75.
    Great all round and more time with the mount now spent.
    Report 001/2022 sent to Rowan 👍

    And I got to use all the new Tak LE's out as well, 2022 started OK so far.

    Excellent news Alan, I’ve been saving myself for this mount so looking forward to getting my hands on one….though I’m sure they’ll sell out pretty quickly at first 

    • Like 1
  8. On 12/11/2021 at 11:16, Alan White said:

    Eyepiece cases are my nemesis, I am searching for the Goldilocks of cases and its close to being 'The One'

    Likewise, I currently have to hard flight cases but they are bulky and don’t make good use of the space they have. I ordered one of the new Astro Essentials ones on FLO (the soft one) but really didn’t like it and sent it back, I would have won a £25 voucher as well for posting a photo of it full as well!!!!

    This looks a lot better, better use of space and I like the compartments for filters etc. I reckon I could get the contents of both my current cases in this one case. Think I’ll go for it 👍

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