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Jiggy 67

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Posts posted by Jiggy 67

  1. On 07/11/2021 at 18:13, Deadlake said:

    Sky Safari 7 is not yet available on a desktop OS. Does anyone know if Sky Safari 6 pro will sync with Sky Safari 7 pro at all? I like to prep on the desktop (6) and then sync to mobile (7) for use, wondered if this is possible, cannot think why not

    I had the exact same quandary as you, I plan all my sessions and record all observing on Mac with 6 plus to take outside on my phone, also 6 plus.

     I couldn’t find the answer anywhere to your (and my) question so I just crossed my fingers and took the plunge paying for 7 Pro 🤞

    No need to worry, as soon as you sign in to LiveSky everything syncs seamlessly and instantly, everything transfers over including sessions, observations, lists and equipment and…….it looks miles better!! 👍

    I haven’t yet created a plan on Mac to take out on my phone but it should work perfectly 

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  2. 1 minute ago, StuartT said:

    I bought a bottle of this stuff (thanks for the tip). What I am wondering is can I open up the panel on my EQ6R-Pro and spray some on the gears? I'm concerned that over the long term, condensation might corrode them and affect my tracking. Or would this cause slipping or other issues (I have the newer EQ6R with belts)

    I wouldn’t spray it on gears, but they should be greased anyway. It is safe on electronics but it may create the issues you describe on gears. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Think I will be upgrading. Used SkySafari for a few years on Mac and IPhone and I love it. People say it’s pricey for an app but it’s not just an app, it’s software worthy of more than the “app” label, there are plenty of planetarium “apps” SkySafari does a load more so I think that the current price is a bit of a bargain 

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  4. The clock numbers in the polar scope are irrelevant, you just need to match the view in an app, such as PS Align Pro, in your polar scope. However, if you want to get the numbers correct, use this method but the mount must be level to do it:

    Place Polaris at the centre of the polar scope. Then using altitude bolt only, place Polaris at the top of the circle. Rotate in RA until 12 o’clock is on Polaris. The polar scope is now calibrated correctly (assuming it’s central in the mount). Now carry out PA and when complete return to the home position..

    If I’m understanding correctly, everything you’re doing with the dials is to obtain an accurate home position. It’s hard to follow but is basically what I have done to get a very accurate home position. Instead of doing it every time you set up, just mark the mount up with a permanent marker so you can return to the correct position every time without having to go through the whole process as per this video


  5. HEQ5 minimum I’m afraid. I have an 8 inch on an EQ6 R Pro for visual only after going through all the sizes before reaching the the EQ6 R Pro and I wouldn’t go smaller now (there’s no doubt I have over mounted but better too much than not enough and I wanted to future proof). There’s zero vibration with my current mount but the EQ5 suffered a lot. The dob is a good alternative 

    • Thanks 1
  6. Good to see you back. I did the same, took a break from astronomy for about 5 years and I’ve been back for a couple of years now. I didn’t realize how much I missed it till I came back but my enthusiasm has returned in buckets. Not just the forum (which is obviously fab) but whole hobby, reading about it, watching YouTube, talking about it….and thinking about new and innovative ways to spend my hard earned cash whilst in the shower!!!!

    I have noticed how my work colleagues, knowing I’m an amateur astronomer, have started to come to me with questions, it’s surprising how people want to know more, even if it’s only casual curiosity, and they think I’m really clever when I answer them, clearly I’m not but what I say peaks their interest and that’s really satisfying. 

    In my opinion, it’s better coming back the second time than it was the first time around…..enjoy


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  7. 12 hours ago, Epick Crom said:

    I'll definitely be getting a filter for Christmas.

    If you’re putting a Xmas list together, try and squeeze two filters out of the relatives 😀 I think you need both an OIII and a UHC both are great for PN’s but sometimes one will work when the other doesn’t, they seem to g hand in hand. Sometimes with the real faint objects the OIII darkens the image too much which is where the UHC comes in because it doesn’t darken it as much due to the band width. So take advantage of the Xmas spirit, be cheeky and ask for both 🎉🎉😀👍

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  8. Your scope and all your other equipment will dew up whilst being used outside, sometimes to the point of being soaked. You can minimize this with dew strips etc but at the end of the day, there’s no way of stopping it. To place it in a case will just keep it wet for longer, it would be the last thing I would do. Just take the scope in and leave it with covers off outside the case to warm up gradually and it will be fine

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