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Jiggy 67

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Posts posted by Jiggy 67

  1. Glad to see you’re enjoying yourself.

    When you say that you lose focus, do you mean that you have to refocus or you can’t get focus at all with the 7mm? Refocusing is perfectly normal when changing eyepieces. I don’t know what ep’s you are using but you may need an extension tube if you can’t focus at all at higher mag, others will know better about this than me.

    You seem to have a good range of focal lengths with your eyepieces and a Barlow but what are they, what is the quality like. It may be time to get your debit card out because getting some premium eyepieces can make a big difference . If your pockets are deep enough, I would recommend the TV 24 Panoptic or it’s Explore Scientific equivalent. A Baader Hyperion 8-24mm zoom . There are many fixed focal length ep’s but I use the Baader Morpheus range and love them in my 8 inch reflector. I use a 4mm and 6mm Vixen SLV for high mag and I recommend them as well. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Richard_ said:

    We've had rain for a number of days so I haven't had the chance to look until today. I took the cover off and there was a very light wetting of condensation on the counterbalance weights which has formed over about 3 days. The top area was nice and dry so that's fine with me! 

    Good shout @Petrol, it makes sense to periodically uncover the scope and check.

    Does the ACF dry or does it remain wet after application? 

    It dries, just leaving a coat of protection behind that is invisible. For example the alt/az bolts are prone to rust. No rust on mine even after several weeks outside 

  3. I am visual only so don’t use the electrics you do, though I do have a few items on my EQ6 R Pro that require power. I always pack these away but I leave my mount out, in all weathers for, sometimes, months at a time. I also use a TG 365 and have never had problems.

    One extra measure I take is to coat the mount, including electrics and the tripod with ACF-50. This is great stuff that will protect metal and electrical parts from moisture and rust. Do not spray it on though, apply liberally with a cloth at least a couple of times a year…..not to any scopes 

    • Like 1
  4. Hi all,

    Disaster struck a couple of weeks ago during high winds. I was out in relative calm using my mount zero, only recently bought. After a couple of hours it started to get quite windy so I took the scope off but made the fatal error of leaving the mount out under a cover, in the hope that the wind would drop again. I came out later to find that the mount, on its tripod had been blown over and was lying on the ground. After picking it up I saw that the mount had landed on the azimuth slo mo cable. Because I had tightened the cable to the connector with a screw driver the fall had caused the brass connector to snap as in the photos below.........I can't describe how gutted I was at my stupid mistake!!

    I could use the other end to attach a slo mo cable or knob too but the other end is not ideally positioned when in use so I was wondering if I could disassemble the worm gear and just swap it the other way round?

    Is this advisable?

    Will it work?

    Has anyone ever disassembled this mechanism??....any advice??....Is it just a case of loosening the small tension adjusters and removing the black cover plate??

    Advice would be appreciated








  5. 24 minutes ago, barbulo said:

    That simple, but ensure the reticle’s axis are horizontal-vertical.

    I have to admit that I don’t practice what I preach. It is the case that the numbers are irrelevant on the circle but they do help for reference, ie, if PS Align Pro has Polaris 3 notches away from the three on the circle, it can then be handy if the three is in the exact correct position to avoid confusion. This is what I do to perfectly calibrate the reticle but you MUST level the mount for this to work:

    Level the mount

    Place Polaris at the centre of the reticle 

    Using ALTITUDE BOLT ONLY  place Polaris at the top of the circle, on the circle.

    Rotate in RA until the 0 is covering Polaris, lock the axis

    The clock face is now perfectly callibrated with numbers in correct positions and all axis of the clock perfectly vertical and horizontal 

    Carry out PA as normal 

    Return mount to home position 

    Whole process takes about 5 minutes 

  6. It really doesn’t matter where the numbers are on the reticle, it’s nothing but a circle representing a clock, the numbers have no relevance on a circle other than they may be useful as a reference.

    If you are using PS Align Pro, just copy what you see in the app. Place Polaris in the same place on your reticle as it appears in the app. As long as your polar scope is central on it’s axis (which it almost certainly will be) then you will be well polar aligned regardless of where any numbers appear on the reticle 

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, PatrickO said:

    Thanks. How do I decide where on the inner circle? Is the 0, 3, 6, 9 for the time of day?

    You don’t really need to. An app like PS Align Pro will show you where Polaris is and then just replicate the view in the app in your polar scope. You can calibrate the polar scope but there really isn’t any requirement to do so. Copy the app and you’ll be bang on

  8. I don’t understand why there is an impression that visual is dying out….did anyone try to buy a telescope during the pandemic??? FLO, themselves, said that demand had gone through the roof. As for posts, no disrespect to the OP for the What did you see tonight thread but it has killed observing reports as they previously were.

    • Like 3
  9. The Zero arrived yesterday and I can’t fault it at the moment. I appear to have been lucky straight out of the box and no adjustment needed (though the altitude axis tension knob does turn when it is moved, even when tight…..is that supposed to happen???…the azimuth one doesn’t). Very impressed with the engineering quality and it appears (at the moment) to be an upgrade on the AZ5


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  10. I have ordered a Mount Zero which is due to arrive today so I can’t answer any of your questions……yet….but I’m interested in your use of the SW tripod extension pier, I have one of these which I use with my AZ5 but I was under the impression that it wouldn’t really fit with the Zero (I can’t explain why I thought that) Apologies for hijacking your post but does anyone else use this extension with the Zero???

    • Like 1
  11. M33 is very…..very susceptible to light pollution, due to its size and low surface brightness as a result of it’s angle in relation to us so you need dark skies but with patience you can observe it in brighter skies. I’m a Bortle 8 and I’ve observed it -with an 8” reflector-as a large smudge with a brighter core but no detail of the spiral arms

    • Like 1
  12. 25 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    Makes the timing easier. Normally cannot pick motorhome up till at least midday and often not till 2 or 3 PM. Also need to return it usually for 10:00 am on last day.
    So if you have a long journey to campsite then you either have to pay for two extra days hire, to allow you time to load it up and get to and from campsite, or you arrive late at the campsite and cant get in if its dark (easily anyway) because its a no lights policy.

    I have hired a motor home for the last two Galloway do’s and I would again, camping isn’t for me these days, but the above is absolutely correct, due to to times of pick up/drop off I have to pay for 2 extra nights where it’s just parked outside my house. I have found the hire companies to be very inflexible on this.

    However, speaking to Leslie last time a local guy has started hiring out motor homes close to the site which would negate this problem

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