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Jiggy 67

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Posts posted by Jiggy 67

  1. Is it for AP or just visual. There is an app called PS Align Pro which offers a PA routine for those that can’t see Polaris. I use it in the daytime when setting up just to get near the NCP. I can see Polaris and when I fine tune at night, it’s usually pretty close

  2. 8 hours ago, Midnight_lightning said:


    Also, does anyone use a dolly with one of these - I wouldn't be able to lift it once the scope is mounted.


    Can I ask why you would lift it with the scope fitted? Are you thinking of wheeling it out of the garage fully assembled. I can tell you this is a VERY heavy bit of kit, you would struggle to lift it without the scope and counterweights. 
    You might want to consider leaving it set up. A TeleGizmos 360 cover will protect it from the elements 

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  3. 50 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Not so, particularly with other DSOs like clusters. I have real trouble seeing even the major stars in Cancer with the naked eye to find a place to start a star hop, yet can see M67 and M44 clearly in the scope so they are worth finding.


    Exactly, I agree. I can also see DSO’s but would struggle finding them by star hopping. I started out by star hopping, I wouldn’t want to go back there, I also prefer spending my time on the object....but that’s the beauty of the hobby, so many different ways to enjoy it 

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  4. On 22/04/2020 at 11:52, miguel87 said:


    Slightly off topic but not totally. I get frustrated by goto. I would not have a goto mount if it was offered to me for free. It kinds defeats half the fun for me; learning the night sky, star hopping, discovering objects on route to your final destination, getting lost! The challenge and the reward. The thrill is in the chase.

    I feel like manual guiding is like playing a game of football, you are right there, involved, making decisions, trying to get somewhere and learning along the way. Goto is like sitting in the stands and watching the game. Sure you get to see the same stuff but you just sit there, it all gets shown to you while you just...spectate.



    It depends on the level of light pollution in your area. Bortle 6 and above makes star hopping and finding objects very difficult, there is nothing wrong with GoTo if it helps you see the wonders out there

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  5. Hi all, hope you are well 

    so I’m using the money I’m currently saving as a result of the lockdown to upgrade my eyepieces and I have bought the Morpheus 4.5, 12.5 and 17.5mm so far. I have to say that, so far, I have found these to be outstanding eyepieces. The build quality is excellent with good accessories such as the adjustment ring to increase eye relief and the view which is crisp and contrasty, the best I have seen and an excellent wide fov. They are also dual size barrels which increases options. I intend to purchase the remaining focal lengths. 

    Unfortunately they only go down to a 17.5mm so I need a low power equivalent. I have the Baader zoom which takes me to 24mm but I know the quality is not quite as good and the fov narrower so I am considering the Baader Hyperion Aaspheric 36mm.


    Has anyone got any experience of these?? What’s your opinion of them??.... I would like to stick with Baader as I haven’t been able to fault them yet (despite trying, I am quite fussy). Really I need to stick with 1.25” as my filters are that size but the dual size barrels does expand the options 


  6. 8 minutes ago, Sam23 said:

    So would it be better to invest in the 150PDS and manual EQ5 and then add power functions once I've saved up the funds?

    I'm guessing it is still possible to take passable DS photos without power controls? Maybe not as good as tracked, but still suitable?

    I would suggest that is a false economy. If you get bitten by the bug, you will soon be sticking the EQ 5 in the loft (or selling it) and upgrading to the HEQ5 or higher. 

  7. An accurate home position is needed so a GoTo handset knows where it’s starting from and pointing. I have a perfect home position which I keep with markings on the mount so I can repeat it anytime. I don’t think there’s a need for a factory fitted home position 

    The scope has nothing to do with polar alignment, it’s the mount you are aligning not the scope as it’s the mount that moves to follow the object you’re observing. If you have an accurate home position, the scope will just follow the mount, I don’t understand how you would align the scope on Polaris and what that would achieve 

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  8. 8 minutes ago, groberts said:

    Indeed same here in Surrey, so hopefuly some more late nights coming up.

    As a matter of interest, which site / app is that you're using + is it any good / reliable?


    It’s an app called Scope Nights. I find it to be pretty accurate, well, as accurate as any can be

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