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Everything posted by stevenson166

  1. Hi Apologies for continuing a really old thread, Does anyone have for sale the 12v motor ? or knows where to buy one from ?. I cannot find one anywhere
  2. Thanks for the info, I have this same model and its not working correctly, on x12 times it moves forward for about 2 secs then reverses for a sec then stops, i have looked at the inners and found no obstructions . Question where could you buy a new geared motor from ?
  3. There is a lot of filters that can help if you cannot get away from such skies....
  4. 7 weeks from Germany and still not recieved sounds like never had stock ! I have had items in a week from Germany this year
  5. Here is my second pic of the MW ...Need to learn some processing skills and get out of these bortle 9 skies
  6. Took the camera to a repair shop and they quoted for a new shutter mechanism and cmos (apparently scratched) and re-calibration a total of £320....needless to say i declined and have it back with me..
  7. Hi , Simple question that i cannot find an answer ? Will the ZWO EAF fit a Altair Lightwave 66mm ED-R ? I have contacted ZWO but no reply yet..just hoping if someone knows Thanks
  8. cygnus, deneb ..again hoping for more detail than my first pic posted under the name...my first pic in astro imaging
  9. I had a good feeling about the sky tonight ...so have done 200 subs at 20sec and maybe 20 darks ...hoping to get an image...the jpeg shown had so much potential............😞
  10. Found what`s wrong sort of. Took off the lens and CLS filter and pressed shutter...it appears to be part of the mechanism in front of the sensor that is sticking. I thought it was a contaminant so tried to shake it out ...I then decided to get a pair of pincers to grab it and remove it....Not realising it was part of a bigger part of pieces....needless to say now its not as bad as before but not better, seems i have a faulty camera that needs repairing...If i ever own something that can go wrong it does...
  11. Hi all, I seem to be having a problem when using my CLS filter attached to my Canon EOS 800D and Samyang 14mm f2/8 lens , I get a rectangular shadow that appears on a sub moves on the next then disappears then reappears. I have fitted the CLS without the mirror up as you tube and the like don`t say to do. Its becoming frustrating so anyone know what`s going on ?
  12. If your equipment is portable enough to go slightly remote (ie Norfolk countryside) then you will be amply rewarded.
  13. I live in a bortle 8 and use a clip on CLS filter...just try to frame if poss with not much excessive light interference from afformentioned...i was very pleased with my first pic
  14. I bought the Altair Astro 66mm ED-R for £200...should be ok to start 😀
  15. Cygnus...wow...I see it....How Ironic my favourite Band mentioned Cygnus... So the top star is Deneb ?
  16. wow brilliant ...thanks everyone..the pic was taken with a cls clip on filter in a bortle 8 area and the light source at the bottom right is the house adjacent.... As a reference for me can anyone name any of the stars in this picture 😀
  17. Hi, Well being new to astro imaging this was taken with a Canon EOS800D and a samyang 2.8/14mm lens...About x20 subs at 20 seconds with about x20 dark , stacked and botched with Star Tools ( I aint got a clue with what i am doing yet) Even though its a mess, its my first pic and quite chuffed..Things can only get better. I have added the Tiff file if anyone has a few minutes to get me a post processed image done properley 😀. Cannot save the "processed" image as not bought the licence yet. first picture.tifDoc1.docx Thanks in advance .
  18. A great app to use is Stellarium, it will help you find targets and help you to get to know the night sky...
  19. Hi, I have just bought the Altair 66mm ED-R , cant wait to get it all set up and viewing.I also have a ZWOASI120MS-C and a altair 0.6x reducer...what is the best way to set up the focal train as Back focus is new to me ...also did you manage to get a finderscope shoe ?
  20. Wow, Is it as simple as adjusting this to 42.5mm ?
  21. Hi all, I am struggling with Back focus...i think i need to get as close to 55mm as i can , so i have read. I am trying to connect a ZWOASI120MS-C (Back Focus 12.5mm) to my small refractory scope Astair Astro 66m ED-R , i have purchased a 0.6x Lightwave reducer but need to make up the difference.... any ideas greatly appreciated.
  22. Thanks for all the replies...please keep them coming...as i have zero experience i just want to share my first RAW pic...i have taken about 20 with the setting of RAW 800 ISO BULB 2.8 with my Samyang and the CLS filter attached Image pending..sorry
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