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Observation list with the dob

I now keep my observing records on Google spreadsheets https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?hl=en_GB&hl=en_GB&key=t3J3YedvJNJ8yH6PLDJrjvQ&authkey=CMa0zLUJ#gid=0



Observation Report for 25/10/10 Iphone Luna Report & Pictures

Observation Report for 25/10/10 Finished work at 23:20 and drove home and got my thermal clothes and collected all the gear and packed the car. Arrived at my observing site at 00:30, and quick scan of the sky pretty much same as last night, Orion rising in the East, Jupiter sat nicely in the South West. The Moon of course is dominating the night sky at present, very bright in dead, washing out almost everything in the sky, and making my dark sky site very light indeed. 00:40 – 01:10 Fully set



24/10/2010 Birkrigg Common – Cumbria 01:30 – 03:30

24/10/2010 Birkrigg Common – Cumbria 01:30 – 03:30 Spent Saturday night at work but I was itching to get out with the scope, it’s been well over a week since the last session. Since then I have strained some muscles in my back, changing a light bulb of all things? Still I’ve put up with it for a week now so it was not going to stop me getting out, what made it worse though, is I slept heavy and had a stiff neck as well, think I’m falling apart? I finished work at 00:20 and drove home to get cha




Hi,I'm thinking of buying a skyscout but would like to find someone close to basildon so i could have a look and a chat about the do's and dont's before i buy.Thanks.



Seems like clear skies are coming early(or late)

The last post I had I thought I might get to look out that night, but the weather didn't hold. Had another rain. However I have had a few decent viewing session s since then. I've finally gotten to look at the moon, with both the 25mm eyepiece and the 10mm. It's just amazing the level of detail I can see. I've gotten to see some of the smaller craters. I've also been observing Aldebaran, Betelgeuse, and the nebula in Orion's sword.



Obervation Session 16/10/2010 00:00 – 02:30 Birkrigg Common Cumbria.

Obervation Session 16/10/2010 00:00 – 02:30 Birkrigg Common Cumbria. Arrived at Observation site at roughly 23:45 and started to set up, Hate setting up in the dark, with only the odd torch and my head lamp. Once the scope was set up, balanced and polar aligned I proceeded to set the Synscan unit up, using the 2 star alignments. A quick visual scan of the skies, Orion was just coming up nicely in the East, Jupiter was high in the South East and the Moon had already set. My first test object was



Mostly clear skies ahead

Tonight after a couple of days of iffy weather and waiting for the drug store next door to turn off the lights. I may have a decent viewing session tonight. I haven't yet picked out my target for tonight yet, I suppose I will wait and see what's visible. I want to see if I can find Uranus tonight, I've not had much luck, either due to light pollution or my not knowing where it is.



Observation Session 11/10/2010 - Cumbrian Skies

Observation Session 11/10/2010 Birkrigg Common – Cumbria. Arrived at my observing site at 19:27, Conditions already look very good, a few stars were already visible and Jupiter was already high about the horizon, seeing was going to be good, a cold, crisp night. Started to set up the telescope, polar aligned and balanced scope, set up the Synscan unit and got ready for alignment tests. Once alignment reported successful I swung the scope to the first test object to make sure it was located in



Another good night!

So, with clear skies I headed out into the countryside and boy am I glad I did. Started with Jupiter but couldn't make out that much detail tonight. Not sure if the seeing was particularly bad but I could make out the NEB and not much else. So I switched to plan B and got out my 15x70 binos (bless you FLO). Amazing. Started with the double cluster in Perseus which was stunning. I was literally picking out Messier objects all over the shop. And having checked I can confirm I did see Comet Hartle

Mr George

Mr George

Observing report 07/10/2010

Observation Session 07/10/2010 Arrived at the Obs Site at 19:10 and once polar aligned and balanced took approx 30 minutes to complete setup. Tried to 3 star test but handset kept coming up failed alignment? After checking over the scope and synscan unit, no problems were found, this continued for another 30 minutes and frustration was starting to set in, until I noticed the scope position, I turned the scope around and repositioned it with its tube rings, re polar aligned and continued with the




Hi Guys Just bought myself a Celestron 1100 CGEM and could do with some adivce on lens and starting out. I think I've just about cracked the alignment situation, polar align etc, got to get my head around the backwards, forwards mirror, in my viewfinder scope! ARRRRHHH but I'm sure it will come with time. The lens that comes with the scope is a celestron 40mm, it's good at picking up Jupiter, havent tried it with the moon yet but other than that it doesn't seem to pick up much else? Can you guys

Warren Newton

Warren Newton

Help needed.

Hello all.Can anyone perhaps give me some feedback in regards to buying a explorer 200.I am relatively new to astronomy,although i have always been interested in stargazing ever since i was a little kid.I recentley bought a new house close to denmarks biggest national park called "Rebild national park".The skys are perfect.I have very little light pollution,just alittle from my street light.With the permission of my neighbours they have given me the OK to take out the very dim bulbs after 10:30

Martin Wosser

Martin Wosser

M45...my first Messier object !!!

I accidently spotted my first Messier object last night...M45...The Seven Sisters or Pleiades, and was truly amazed. If I hadn't been hooked before, I was the instant I saw M45. I had never seen the Seven Sisters before last night, I didn't even know it was a Messier object!!! and I was overwhelmed at the beauty of it......I have been a little frustrated of late (wanting to run before I can walK!!) and I have been having a 'spot of bother' translating what I see in books into what I see through



A new dimension to my hobby

I'm updating my blog again, that must mean it's chucking it down outside. However, rather than go on about the weather, I wanted to share my first attempt at imaging from a couple of weeks ago. As you may have read else where on the forum, a large number of SPC880NC web cams have become available very cheaply and that they can be flashed with the SPC900NC firmware. This has meant quite a few people (myself included) have been able to try astro imaging for the first time. Before anything else, he



Hi everyone. New to star gazer here.

First, i'd like to say hi to everyone. I am new to the sport of star gazing. I have only used my new telescope 2 times and i am hooked for life. The first object i saw through it was saturn, and to date, the coolist thing i have ever saw. I will have lots of questions for you guys as my knowledge is limmited on star gazing. First, i have a Celestron se8 with GPS and a remote battery pack to run it. What can i expect to be able to see with it other than planets? Also, i would like to take picture




Is it true??? I have heard there will (might) be a small gap in the clouds over Yorkshire sometime in the next three weeks!!!...whichever back garden the small gap is over when it appears, can the owner organise a star party and let me know please???...........talk about having withdrawal symptoms....



Read in the voice of Sir Patrick Moore

Hello to all stargazers, This is my first day as a member and i am a complete begginer to stargazing. I was told about this site today by a lovely couple who are already members, i bought one of their telescopes today and i am over the moon with it!:headbang: Its a Celestron Nexstar SLT 60 and as i am a complete beginner with telescopes im sure its more than enough to get me started. I have already learned my first lesson, never buy a telescope on a cloudy night! I cant wait to start and as i am

Sun Gazer

Sun Gazer

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