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Binoculars..?????? Help.!

Hey up folks.! I was wondering if anyone could help me out please?. I have a small 60mm telescope in my garden but its a very llight polluted area (just my luck). So I am going to purchase a pair of binoculars so I can get about for a few midnight bike rides and peep at the optical delights of the night sky. But.! I am lost on the choice. For instance, do i get 15x70's?, are they light enough to hold and focus?, do i need a monopod?, do i need a tripod? (dont fancy lugging a heavy tripod a



This is what I've been missing?

June 11th, 2011 The clocked seemed to tick forever yet still,.. the sun wouldn't disappear completely. It wasn't before midnight when most of the stars could be seen and the last light of day disappeared. I waited impatiently since it was the first time I would take my telescope out since my first collimation one week ago. No collimation after using my telescope fifty-eight times! What was I thinking? That's the problem, I wasn't thinking. I was simply nervous about tampering with



Two b-class flares today.

Fair seeing today from athens. I see two great explosions today but the weather gave terrible seeing today with mist but sometimes the weather open for a little. Some regions resign the visible side. 11234 has spots and one more faculae over region 11234 giving spots too but has no number yet. Two solar flares today until now and i see them. I do the best retoush in my videos and giving some images to you. http://www.solar-007.eu/site/




doe anyone on this blog live in europe?? please react if you do and where. thanks



Fri 10th Jun 11

Been a week since I wrote and it has been a busy one, decided to get myself a replacement laptop for the obsy, the orignal was falling over, steam driven!! I decided to get a secondhand one, same type as I am on now, knew it worked all the gear in the obsy so got it nice and cheap on fleabay. Just spent the last few days getting everything working, two mounts, cameras, webcams and extra monitor. So far all is well, remoting from the house went well but something I will keep to a minumum as I

The Sailor

The Sailor

i hate light pollution!!!!!!!!!!!

when i got my 200/1200 scope i was told that i could see a large amount of celestial objects. when i finally found m51(whirlpool galaxy) i expected to is it quite clearly. at least the spiral arms. but nothing: a very faint blob. when i found m53 star cluster with a mag of 8.5., still a faint blob.



Main Target tonight was M51 The Whirlpool galaxy and the recent Supernova

Birkrigg, Ulverston Cumbria 3rd June 2011 Main Target tonight was M51 The Whirlpool galaxy and the recently discovered Supernova SN2011dh. Arrived at my main imaging site at aprox 22:25 arrived at Birkrigg, conditions were better than the previous night, only slight cloud drifting on the horizon. Set up the EQ5 and polar aligned, balanced the scope and fitted the canon 350D prime focus. Once 3 star alignment had been successful, I tried point it various test objects to make sure alignment was c



code merges in place.

We've progressed quickly in merging code into the new codebase. Currently there's been work around the plugin system, firewire support and the client-service communication along with firewire camera support. It's looking like we'll soon have firewire, QSI and ATIK support in place and SW EQ6 mount support. We have the protocols for SBIG however we will not be able to test SBIG without a camera. There's still some way to go, however there's been some real progress this week!



plasma moving between regions.

The video show a large plasma quantity. At the start the plasma is stable. A flare giving move to the plasma between regions 11228 and 11229. The plasma absorbed from two regions. http://www.solar-007.eu/site/



Fri 3rd Jun 11

What a night, just hope I don't have another like it, if I did not bump into the eyepiece I bumped into the balance weights. At one time I knocked myself so silly I thought about packing it in for the night. Don't know what was going on, know I am getting on but I seemed to act like a bull in a chinashop all the time, no damage to the gear but my head feels like I have done ten rounds in the ring, maybe I should get myself a hard hat!!! I seen some people have been complaining about the how litt

The Sailor

The Sailor

piggy back 3rd july wide field shots

hi all was messing around wiyh the cannon dslr last night piggy backed it to the 90mm meade goto and did 15 x30sec subd and some darks ect deep skied them and they was not to bad a slight bit of corel paint and job done for a short session they turned out ok i think any way will be out tonight to capture the back end of Leo amf se what meisser list shows up on them heres a few below from last nights quickie here a link for my photo bucket theres 15 new ones a did last night http://s473.photobuc



the c-class flares continous......

The two regions 11226 and 11227 continue to give flares C-class. The video show how the flares of the region 11227 activate the region 11226. http://www.solar-007.eu/site/



Thu 2nd Jun 11

A lovely clear day, opened the obsy and decided as there were some sunspots I would see what I could do. The sunspots and a blemish :( came out well, they are as follows, 1225,26,27,28 29 and 1231. Jim

The Sailor

The Sailor

Collimation DONE!

June 1st, 2011 I have dreaded this day since the first time I have looked through my sky-watcher. That would be the day when I would have to "tinker" with all that makes it "tick". Today, I grabbed the Dobsonian by both horns and attempted collimation using the HoTech SCA Lazer Collimator. I bought this little gadget with the hope that it would make the task at hand less intimidating. It wasn't complicated at first since I followed a YouTube video and the somewhat simplistic directions



Tue 31st May 11

With a large cloud covering comming from the west I went out last night expecting just an hour or two of gazing, well had to stop after five hours of it, bed was beckoning my tired old bones :). A wonderful night, a bit of cloud which did not affect seeing so it was wonderful to sweep the skies. Found a couple more messiers, each time I used them as a focal point and took in the area round them. Tried out the CV-M50 camera, was good, gave good definition on stars but was not able to use it on

The Sailor

The Sailor


Evening all,my pop's has given me a set of binoveiwer's unfortunately i cannot down focus enough to view anything through them can anybody give me any advice on how to cure this please.im using them on a 8"dob



First "official" star gazing experience

So I've been patiently waiting for a clear night to start star gazing and tonight I finally received my wish! I've always been mystified by the stars and by thoughts of what lies beyond earth. It was so awesome to be able to actually study and observe celestial bodies in real life. :) I definitely believe I will stick with this hobby! So to set up, I had a lawn chair, 8x30 binos, a sky map, and a flash light to take peaks at the sky map. Very warm night but I still wore jeans and a sweatshirt



11227 gave c-class.

The game start from the region 11226. The magnetic fields of 11226 gave activity to the region 11227. http://www.solar-007.eu/site/



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