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How do I convert star HIP numbers to SAO numbers?



I use Stellarium on my PC to orientate the night sky, and for star hopping - in this software package all the stars are given HIP numbers. However, my Celestron uses Nexstar which wants an SAO number entered to find a star. So at the moment, other than for the more common/brightest stars (which are listed under Nexstar), I cannot instruct guide my telescope to go to other stars that I find on Stellarium since I don't know how to convert a HIP star number to an SAO star number.

Does anybody know how do do this?

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You can query the SIMBAD database

SIMBAD Astronomical Database

and select either the basic or identifier link - enter the HIP identifier in the field (include the letters HIP) and it will give you a page detailing the object - including several different identifiers if known i.e HIP, SAO etc..

Thats how I have done it in the past in an ad-hoc way. I dont know of a method or plugin to allow this directly from Stellarium.. of course I havent checked to see if there is an SAO catalog available for stellarium which might be a better bet long term...

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