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NGC 6960 - Witch's Broom (Western Veil) nebula in all the colours of the rainbow


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I had a few hours between the clouds last night but the moon meant I had to go for something in narrowband, so given it's almost Halloween I thought I'd have a go at the Witch's Broom.

Unfortunately I didn't have my dew band cranked up high enough and failed to notice the optics fogging up so this is a bit soft but I did get just about enough data to produce an image.

This is with my TS90 APO triplet, on my CG-5 guided with PHD using an IMG0H as a guidecam and is effectively first light for my new Atik 460ex.

Ha 12 x 300s subs

OIII 4 x 600s subs

SII 4 x 600s subs

All binned 1x1, stacked in AstroArt 5 and processed in Serif PhotoPlus X4.

Processed them in a few different colours, and I am afraid I may have overdone it a bit - which do you prefer!




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Shame about the dew xgas, but congrats on first light of the 460ex, I hope you have as much fun with it as I'm having!

I think I prefer the first shot, but I guess I'm just used to the veil in blue and red :)


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Quite nice those - well done on your first light with the new camera :) I prefer the middle one :) Seems more natural.

This is my version with colour camera (DSLR) which shows the true colours :- Witchs_Broom_2012-10-06_ISO3200_300s__4Ca.png

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Yes, that's pretty close :) Shame about the misting up - you'll get really superb images with that camera once you get things right :) It all takes a lot of patience and practice but well worth it.

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