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Skywatcher.Skymax-127 Synscan AZ GO-TO.

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Hi all.

I purchased a Skymax-127 recently and followed the setup instructions carefully.After using the two star alignment which told me that I had done it correctly.Yet when I ask the remote to take me to a particular star or planet it goes to roughly the correct position but then needs more adjustment.I have had a friend from our local astronomy club come over and help and also talked to other members and we still cannot get it correct.Does anyone have the same scope and if so did they have trouble or can they help me with getting this setup correct.Also does anyone know of the whereabouts of a second hand Revelation or other make of Binoviewer.Hope someone can help.


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welcome to sgl bev a couple of things may help. Make sure your scope is level the more accurate your start position, the better the alignment. do you use a higher mag eyepiece when centreing your alignment stars. because this will also help. defocussing the star also helps as its easier to judge a circle in the centre of your field of view than a point. make sure the time is as accurate as you can get it . planets are especially vulnerable to a time thats a couple of seconds out. Whe you've been on the board for 50 posts and 1- month the for sale board opens up, bino viewers occasionally come up for sale on there or try the astro buy and sell pages.

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Hi Rowan.

Thanks for the reply.I always check the level and get correct.When I have been aligning the two stars I have used the wide angle 25mm lens.Next time (tonight) I will try a higher mag eyepiece.How do you defocus the star.I will also check to make sure the time is as acurate as possible.


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If it's going in the right direction but needs a little "fine tuning" then it's almost certainly your initial alignment as Rowan suggested - I use my 25mm EP first then swap to a 15mm centre that and then centre it again with the 15mm in a 2x Barlow (as that helps for webcam imaging).

One other check is make sure location is set correctly and that the time and date are in the correct format (date is usually in US format Month/Day/Year)

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Hi there.

Thanks for your reply.After setting up and then asking for the scope to Go To another star it pans round to that star but does not align in the scope.But it does show in the finder but up to the left of the cross hairs.I then have to bring it to the cross hairs and then it is in the centre of the eyepiece.

I have double checked the date but when putting in the time I must admit that I have not put the seconds in correctly.Will that make a difference.


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Hi, Bev

Yes, it sounds like there is a minor inaccuracy somewhere in your setup - could be the seconds, (and don't forget the daylight Saving is now yes) could be latitude/longitude/altitude. Might be worth re-confirming all of them before doing a full setup (from the beginning).

Still, at least it is in the finder :D

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This is pretty weird. Mine is pretty much spot on (centered in the eyepiece view with occasional tweaks) on every object once the alignment is done... Plus I never really paid any attention to seconds (to answer your question), I don't think the seconds matter at all.

Are your coordinates correct (double check it)?

I'm pretty sure this is something simple and you will work it out soon.


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I use a nexstar not a synscan, but I use a little trick I got form a book, Level your mount indoors very accurately then use a level to level the scope very accurately. mark the mount with tipex across the bit where the mount arm joins the scope. this now means that as long as you hve these 2 lines joined the arm will be level ie 90degrees to the mount which is what is meant by levelling the scope. I suppose there may possibly be a backlash issue' But I'm afraid I'm not au fait enough with synscan to tell you how to sort that out but there must be a setting for it somewhere it is a very similar system to the nexstar

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Are you centering the star in the eye piece then pressing OK or Accept (what ever your scope says) "as" your aligning ?

My ETX is always out of the initial alignment until I manually centre the first star,then the 2nd star is always in the f.o.v OK,


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I have the same setup and, whilst sometimes I need a little adjustment, after 2-star alignment the object I want is generally in the FOV. Difficult to offer any better advice than that given to double check your setup of the handset. Hope you get it sorted.

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Hi there.

Thanks for all your help.I did manage to set it up so that after the two star alignment I could go straight to Saturn and it landed up dead in the centre of the scope.On the 11th I went to Durlston Country Park and set it up there,it started out accurately then lost accuracy.I have since discovered that the 8 duracel batteries were down to 10 volts(seemed to run down after not a terrific no of hours so have now purchased a 17ah skywatcher power supply.Waiting to try it out with a decent power supply.


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Glad you got it sorted Bev. I am still relying on my battery pack and whilst it does slow down after a few hours I have managed to get what I thought was a decent run from one set of Duracell. Really need a power tank though!

Have fun! Isn't Saturn cool!

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To be honest the power packs are not great, mine use to eat batteries and as they started to drain the operation of the scope was poor, on a power tank now and everything is great, worth the money.

My set up of the goto last week was good all in the FOV using 2 star alignment, i also never bother with the seconds and it works ok.

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Great viewing at Durlston.Well worth the visit.No light pollution and a great clear sky.Lots of the general public came(Due to the programs on TV with Brian Cox) and we were able to show them all different stars and Nebulas Etc.There is another evening next weekend.Details on Wessex Astronomical Society web page.Bev.

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