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Sheep in Wolf's clothing ?

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I found this interesting picture on Cloudynights - it was posted by one of their senior members and apparently shows what lies beneath the skin of an Antares W70 8.6mm - a Skywatcher Ultra Wide 9mm !!.

Not really an issue now that both those EP ranges are around the same price of course but when they 1st came out the W70's were a fair bit more expensive - and to think for a while I agonised over which of these types to buy :rolleyes:



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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Hang on - the W70 has an advertised app field of 70 degs where as the SW UWA has only 66 degs - that's not good is it???

So there's a 9 in the 8.6... so waddya reckon; a 6 in the 5.8, a 15 in the 14 and a 20 in the 19???

What the heck'll be inside the W70 25mm? Don't tell me... an LER 25 with only 45 degs? :rolleyes:

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What the heck'll be inside the W70 25mm? Don't tell me... an LER 25 with only 45 degs? :rolleyes:

It is the W70 25mm that I can't figure out - mind you I used to own a Speers-Waler 24.7mm which had a 68 degree FoV and was marketed by Antares a few years ago - wouldn't mind betting that the 25mm W70 was one of those in disguise (they were about the same size as well - unlike the short FL Speers EP's which are very tall).


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The W70s actually have a FOV of 67 degrees, as they say in their literature. Those eps don't exactly look the same, but they are probably both made to the vendors' specifications, and in the same Chinese factory. Nothing sinister about that.

We'll see how I get on with the Antares 24mm Speers that I just ordered.

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The W70s actually have a FOV of 67 degrees, as they say in their literature

As they say in their literature eh? Hmmm... the dealer website I looked at must be advertising 70degs by mistake then.

But what the hoo? What's in 3 whole advertised degrees eh? Not sure I'd want to buy an eyepiece that's just an ugly (subjective I know) sleeve with another eyepiece (one I wouldn't have bought) shoved inside it.

It may not be sinister - but it's rough as eck of a bodge job :rolleyes:

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We all know that re-badging goes on with equipment and GSO and Synta make equipment for a wide variety of brand names - once you realise this you can generally spot it a mile off and make buying decisions accordingly. I think the thing that I found a little disturbing about this example was that the W70 purported to be an "all new design" and was launched at a price point above the SW Ultra-Wides - often being stocked by the same suppliers. It now appears that a) at least some of the range were actually a cheaper design "dressed up" and :rolleyes: the published specs, albeit by a small margin, were misleading.

I don't want to pay £60 for an eyepiece when it's actually a £45 eyepiece in "fancy dress" - unless I do so knowingly that is.


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Yeah, just to muddy the waters, the Antares web site is claiming a 70 degree FOV for the new W70s. The dealer I go to, http://www.islandeyepiece.com/shopdisplayproducts.asp?page=4# says on the top page that the W70s have a 70 degree FOV, but in the details page says it is 67 degrees.

They are selling off the old Speers-WALERs, too. The old SWs are said to have a FOV of 82 degrees, but on the Antares page they say the FOV has been reduced to 72 degrees for the new series.

Still and all, these eps have a good reputation amongst their users.

Antares Optical have just announced a new range of W70 ep's - same spec but a slightly different range of FL's (noticable gap in range through ?).


I reckon that 15mm is just a lowly Panoptic 15mm underneath that nice glossy exterior :rolleyes:


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Thanks WH. 'Fraid, I got "fed up" and albeit perhaps, being oversensitive, deleted all my previous posts. Funnily enough my major "doubt" was re. the SWA 10mm MK.I. The numbers never did tally with MY ad-hoc measurement? Tho' what do I know! Ultimately, it is also about subjectivity, annual income, etc...

I would STILL be interested to see how the 34mm W70 stands up against other 2" eyepieces at the price. I learnt quickly (Heck, even me!) e.g. that "good performance in a fast scope" is open to interpretation! :rolleyes:

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SteelRat (Thanks for expressed PM concern!): Can I just say publically, that I find your posts pertinant, whimsical and, above all, always courteous. To be specific, my post deletion reflected a wish not to get (even potentially) ASSOCIATED with some "Bog roll, defrauding Ebay buyer thing". IMO, there was never an (obvious) parallel with my (even off-beat) opinions anyway. As an amateur salesman, I note e.g. how HARD one has to work with some buyers. Even my minor honest excursions onto Ebay, Astro buy-sell etc., dictates a week of "bed-rest" here. That said, I think there are genuine concern over Vendors - Some don't even (bother to) reproduce available manufacturer data. On a (hopefully) amusing note, I did see one "reputable" dealer advertising the arrival of the (new) Antares W70 eyepieces with a clarion: "THERE HERE"! (sic). Now, I'm no Marcel Proust, but... :wink:

For me personally, I sense I am at a stage where "worrying over my limited equipment" (FNAR), being "opinionate" etc. are being put into perspective. And, despite my occasional relapse, I sense that is the better direction! [Exits to sound of (astronomical) drilling, banging and mumbled curses] :rolleyes:

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Elsewhere; the sound of (astronomical) drilling, banging and mumbled curses ends abrubtly. A cup of tea is poured, a cigarette rolled and lit, and Steelrat enters....

"THERE HERE"! (sic). Now, I'm no Marcel Proust, but...

Heheheh :rolleyes:Bring there to here perhaps? - or is that reaching?

As in all walks Chris - there are vendors, and there are vendors. Without wanting to add sycophantic to that list; we got some great ones here on SGL.

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