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Astrophotography Help

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I am fairly new to astronomy, I purchased as as Skywatcher 12" Dobsonian last year and really enjoy it.

I have now decided that I would like to start to take photographs to show family and friends.

Being reasonably interested in photography; I recently purchased a Canon EOS 60D along with a Canon T2-Ring along with a Bresser 1.25" adapter.

I have been able to take some really nice pictures (Moon below)

However I only seem to be able to get an image if I attach a Barlow lens (Camera - T2 - Adapter - Barlow lens - Telescope). This is fine for images such as the one below, however I would love to be able to take pictures without the zoom. Or indeed pictures of planets which require greater zoom.

I have no idea what I need, any advice would be greatly received.


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The problem with a lot of newtonian telescopes is that there insufficient inwards focus travel to allow a dslr to reach focus. As you have found out if you add a barlow lens the point of focus is moved further away from the primary mirror. Your focusser may have a t-thread hidden behind the 2" adapter. This might allow the camera to be moved closer to the point of focus without the barlow.


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