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Moon with new camera

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Before you all point out that it's not as good as it should be, let me point out that this was taken through the clouds. Focus was guessed, as was everything else as the clouds were mostly too thick for it to register anything. Even aiming the finder at the moon took 15 minutes. I'm very impressed with the new toy.

The new camera is awesome, dead easy to use, nice big images, dead simple capture interface and as sensitive as you could wish for. Downside of that is that for fast image refresh for aiming it would be nice to bin the image for smallr files, but that makes the thing too sensitive and the image goes all white even at f/14 and 1/1000 second exposures.

Anyway, here's the test image...


Click to make it half full size (reduced in Photoshop)

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