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Why GEM is getting me down

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1)....I keep tripping over the tripod legs.I cannot see an answer to that one. 2) Re-aligning the OTA in it's rings is a real awkward pain which can(usually does) unbalance the scope;is this just because the rings on my Celestron 130eq are cheap and cheerful,or are there quick release rings out there that reduce the friction problem when turning the scope in the rings?

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there's a few solutions possible.

1) add some leds off batteries to the legs (red would be best and low brightness if you can get them. or paint a ring of luminescent paint on some masking tape which is put around the legs. might help a bit.

re the EQ mount, personally I find them a pain too. you can avoid the problems you mention in a couple of ways.

1) add a 'retaining ring between the two rings currently on the scope. this is fastened to the scope only and sits on the inside of the bottom ring. it prevents the scope slipping down when turning. you can either make one from felt lined aluminium flat bar or buy a spare tube ring for your scope.

2) pretend you like at the north pole and point the eq mount at 90 degrees rather than eg 53 degrees. this effectively turns the EQ mount into an alt az mount.

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The tripod problem can be fixed by changing to a pier. Personally I have never accidentally trip my tripod.

The OTA rotation can be a problem for Newtonian. Other optical designs can be realign by rotating the diagonal. If you are good at DIY, this site has a solution for rotating Newtonian.

Andy's Shot Glass - Wilson Rotating Rings - Astronomy & Astrophotography for Non-Gazillionaires

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Rotating rings, smashing link!! - what a great and cheap solution to an eternal problem - looks slick as well - thanks for sharing it :(

As for the tripod legs - you can get some cheap plastic sheeting (or a tent grounsheet) and peg it out under the scope - make sure you get white. Should be enough to help see where the legs are in red light and has the benefit of making it easier to find anything that gets dropped on the ground (ep's, small screws, lense caps etc).

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true a very slick solution. even works on dobs too. I bought some used rings for my big dob to act as ballast for heavier eyepieces.

in this pic (slightly dodgy unfortunately) you can see the two green ones added for ballast and the black one added as a retaining ring a la Astro-baby


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