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Looking to get a nice scope for £150/200 budget

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Hi guys,

I'm looking to get my first scope and for the past few days been trying not to go button pushing mad on ebay when i have no idea whats good and whats best to stay as far away from as i can, i have £150 to spend but maybe able to squeeze an extra £50 early birthday money if i work my magic :p so working on the 150 budget and also on the 200 budget what would be the best scopes to look at? not looking to get anything with motors and the like for now just a good scope :(

Many thanks in advance :)


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Hi Nick and welcome to SGL. Is it dark where you live? Or would you be transporting your scope to somewhere darker? What sort of things did you want to look at? The Moon, Planets, or galaxies and nebula.

These are all deciding factors in which type of scope would be best for you.

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Hi Nick - first thing I'd say is stay away from ebay untill you know what you're doing. Too many newbies have ended up with duds that way and I hate having to advise their scope is no good when they ask how to fix it on here.

You're on a tight budget as well so you want something that works or you could be put off forever. So some research is needed into the types of scope you want and what's available and where.

Sourcing is easy - but what to source is hard. For new prices you'd get a very small and basic refractor on a similar mount/tripod (small/basic). You could also get a modest sized reflector either on a dobsonian mount (alt/az) or an equatorial mount/tripod (eq). Compound scopes like Maksutov and Schmitt Cassegraines are out of budget here (being very expensive).

Best value for money at this price point are reflectors - you'll get larger aperture per pound spent. You could look at Skywatcher 130P (or maybe stretch to 150P) on either an eq mount or dobsonian. I'd recommend eq cos it teaches you the movement of the skies relative to Earth.

Others will differ cos the dobs are marginally easier to set up and use. But there really is nothing in it. If you buy second hand - then do so from the buy/sell section here from a practised astronomer - or from astrobuy website where astronomers sell their kit on. Mostly you'll get reliable kit and more aperture for your pound.

Hope that gives you a guide where to start - feel free to ask further questions :)

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There have been a lot of similar posts from people in your position, with similar budgets. I would (and have) suggest that you bide your time, and try and reach a budget of £250. For that you can get the Explorer 150P on an EQ3-2 mount. There are two versions of the 150P, both are typically £243, the 150P and 150PL the latter has a longer focal length which will give you slightly higher magnifications which is ideal for planetary observing. My reasons for recommending this scope...

* You get a lot of scope for your money - 6" parabolic mirror, decent EQ mount

* Expandable - at a later date you can purchase the dual axis drive for £95 and have a fully driven scope

* Resale value - should you want to upgrade the 150P will be a quick sale should you sell it to raise funds

I agree with brantUK - stear clear of E-bay. You would be better off buying from Rother Valley Optics, FLO or any of the other main stream retailers. The scope will be warrantied. Often with e-bay you have very little comeback shuld something break and a fault appears.

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Thanks for your helpful input guys :)

@ oldfruit, i live in the middle of london so not the best of spots when it comes to light pollution :( as for what i'd like to view, moon and planets would be would be fantastic :)

@ brantuk, i will stay well clear of ebay thanks for saving me a very large pain in the **** i've been there before with ebay. I will have a look at the 150p thanks for the suggestion i will write this model done and read up after dinner :)

@ malc-c, i might be able to sell one or two of my arcade machines to put a bit more towards a scope and a few extras fingers crossed. Would there be a big improvement with the 150pl over the 150p? are there any pic's showing difference between the two looking at moon/planets?

Thanks again guys for your input :p

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"i might be able to sell one or two of my arcade machines "

Nick - you don't by any chance have "The Adams Familly" pinball table do you? Been after that one for years lol :p

Sadly no its also been one on my list for a few years that and twilight zone, i have seen one or two pop up over the last year or so on a few of the forums i'm on, there is a pinball group on yahoo and can try and hunt it down for you if your not a member already :) o by the way stay away from gumtree they pop up on there but there a scam :)

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Its up there with the sought after machines but a lot easier to find and cheaper then medievil madness that's big money and rare. I have a space invaders pin, its not as fancy as the newer tables but it does the job.

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