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Right Guys, according to the weather men (and they are never wrong) my next clear night is Saturday. The moon will be rising at around 8:30 :) but I should be able to get an hour in before that and maybe carry on for a little after that as well...

The plan of action is to use the scope (my primary goal) I want to use the 300D with the new LP Filter and Fringe Killer (supposed to be great when used together) on the ST102. I then plan to guide manually using a 12mm illuminated EP.

My aim is to take 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min and 5 min exposures while manually guiding, and compare the images. Once I've found the optimum (IMO) exposure I'm going to take as many as I can get, and then stack em!

My target for the night is going to be M31. I've always wanted a good image of M31 and it's something I've never managed to get yet!


BTW does anyone actually think that it may be clear saturday?

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Well, it certainly looks to be improving, so fingers crossed for you buddy!

It seems ages since anyone has had a real clear night, so it would be good to get some time in!

If it is clear, I will concentrate on Mars as I have not been able to get an image since my first attempt, and it's now getting HUGE.

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