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I had read that they recycle the 'liquid' waste and the 'solid' waste is sealed in bags on the ISS. It's on wikipedia. Is this incorrect?

They recycle the water but not the urine.

This website (http://www.nsbri.org/HumanPhysSpace/focus1/spaceshuttle-personal.html) says that most urine is vented into space...solids are vacuum dried and brought home. Wikipedia says the same thing here Space toilet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Ha is listing the sts viewing again now however I'm a little confused as it lists the sts as being in front of the iss! ?

True. At the moment it is traveling at the speed it will need when it gets to the ISS altitude. Being lower, that path is shorter so it is ahead, but its path is rising. As it rises, it will fall be behind, then catch up with a correction. Magic with orbital dynamics and the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) on the shuttle.

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Why does the iss travel at its speed? 14k mph?

I guess its the simple reason that's the speed it arrives at space since that speed is needed to exit the atmosphere. You'd think that speed is fraught with danger. Maybe slowing down would need as much power as needed for the assent.? Would reentry be heat less at low speeds and is speed "needed" to achieve it?

I suppose that if you had a tall enough ladder you could climb out of the atmosphere at your leisure. But then, gravity would not be the only influence on your path and speed.

The earth's gravity pull shapes the path that an object in space follows: the ballistic trajectory. Without thrust, a passing object will follow a curved path due to gravitaional warpage of space. Travel fast enough, you fly past in a new direction but faster, never to return. Fly too slow, your graviatationally altered path will intersect with the earth. Fly at Goldilocks speed, and the path curves into an ellipse that will close on itself, with the Earth at one focus, with the velocity faster at the Earth end of the orbit than at the far end of the orbit; Mr. Keplar was paid by Tycho Brahe to develop his three planetary motion laws that discuss the phenomenon. Add thrust and change your pointing, and you "circularize" your orbit. Discounting atmospheric drag and solar wind, if one is in orbit one is actually falling, but moving at just the right speed to miss the earth continuously, the effect of Sir Isaac Newton's Action At A Distance.

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hasn't anyone uploaded any pics of the STS or ISS during this phase yet or hasn't anyone tried to photograph them? The weather on Anglesey is looking half decent at the moment so I'll be out looking for the 18:36 and the 20: something passes from South Stack on Anglesey.

there still seems to be a big timing variation between Heavens-Above and Calsky

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if they are still docking @ 19:16 then I would expect them to be pretty close together as they move closer to each other

This is the timing from HSF for Holyhead

ISS Sat Feb 26/06:36 PM 4 34 15 above SW 15 above E

ISS Sat Feb 26/08:11 PM 1 31 16 above WSW 31 above WSW

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