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what to look at when the moon is this bright

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When the moon is bright, I will tend to focus on planetary and double star imaging and viewing.

Couple to that, imaging and observing the moon itself.

Also, its a great time, since not staying up through the night, to image and observe our star, the sun. Its amazing just what you can see with Baader's solar safety film and a telescope of moderate apeture.

Oh, also brighter star clusters are nice to puruse over with binoculars, checking to remember where they are in the sky.

And at some times when the moon is at the right phase with Venus and/or mercury, with dusk or dawn, can make for some really nice astrophotography using a camera and kit lens. Even better if you have a nice background with some distant trees, feilds, etc.

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When the moon is this bright, i usually end up observing the moon. I know the contrast of features is not great but. I also like to use my 20X90 bins when there is a bright moon because the bins seem very forgiving of bright moonlight and i have seen galaxies with the bins under a full moon.

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