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Observing with Reverse Binoculars

Ad Astra

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Hi folks,

I'm new to SGL, but I enjoy binocular observing quite a bit! I have a special pair of binos that are quite wonderful, but not exactly your average pair of grab-n-go optics.

The RB-10's from JMI have a 250mm f/5 newtonian reflector for EACH eye. My eyepiece set for these beauties will take them from 15x to 165x with narry a problem.

DSO's are stunning, and the telrad finder helps with aiming. ;) The entire rig weighs in at about 48 kg (lighter than you might expect), and movement on the alt/az mount is very smooth and easy. This are the only binos I know of with motorbike handlebars, but I must say, they work perfectly! Focus, inter-occular spacing, and collimation controls are right on the handles, individual focus, of course!

Orion was terrific a few nights ago, at low power, I had the entire sword region, some nice color in the nebula and the trapezium well defined. The 3-D effect you get is really spectacular. I know that the view isn't 'really' 3-D, but your brain gets so much detail from both eyes that the view really does appear stereoscopic - much more than with any other instrument I've seen - including large aperture scopes with bino-viewers on them.

I do take them out on public outreach and star labs occasionally (I teach astronomy for a living) - so if y'all are planning to be out in Southern California - stop by for a look-through! :)



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They are more portable than you might think!

Two people can easily lift the main assembly off the mount and toss it in the SUV - fills the boot pretty completely, as you might expect! :)

Still, setup and collimation check takes less than 5 minutes. The real trouble is when you invite someone to sit down and take the wheel, so to speak.... then you have to pry them away from the eyepiece!


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Wow! What a piece of equipment you have there! I should be in Florida at ten end of May. I want to hike in the Everglades. I might stop by for a look!


You would have a long hike! I'm in the low desert inland from Los Angeles in California!!! :)


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