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B&W Jup from the other night


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This is the result from the only avi that I was able to retrieve from a nightmarish evening on the 31/01/11. I got some great avi's of Jupiter as well as Io, Ganymede and Europa, only to find out I'd used rgb24 instead of yuv420 :). About 30 150 second avi's which I can't access (not to mention a bunch of m42 captures to). D'OH!!!

So this was the result I got from a 20 second avi that by sheer chance I recorded with yuv420, no moons and very few frames stacked (due to short avi). Focus certainly could have been better but as I say this was the only useable avi from the whole evening.

While it's not exactly spell binding there is some discernible detail and the Atik 2-hs is certainly a major step up from the fusion webcam I had been using. The camera is definately capable of better, next time out I feel sure I'll get a better result.

I can't wait to get out and get some more frames to stack.

P.s Cheers freddie, I worked it out, needed to be jpg not bmp


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That piccy has a lot of detail in it,did you use a barlow? if not you could easly use a 2x barlow and zoom in nicely with lots of fine detail..

I did, I used a 2.5x revelation taking me up to f20.75 , what I really want is a x5 :) but I am too poor so that will have to wait :)

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