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Advice please- Buying a SLT127

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Hi Twinkles,

I have used a Celestron SLT mount and I like it. It is easy to set up and use. A 127 scope is also a decent size. If you do decide to get one I would suggest you also invest in a powertank, as if you try using normal batteries they'll run down really quickly and the mount starts to misbehave badly if the power level drops. Something like this should do 3in1 Portable Jumpstarter : InCar Battery Chargers and Compressors : Maplin and then you'll need a cable to the mount (ask your scope supplier for advice on which one).



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Hi Twinkles,

I have used a Celestron SLT mount and I like it. It is easy to set up and use. A 127 scope is also a decent size. If you do decide to get one I would suggest you also invest in a powertank, as if you try using normal batteries they'll run down really quickly and the mount starts to misbehave badly if the power level drops. Something like this should do 3in1 Portable Jumpstarter : InCar Battery Chargers and Compressors : Maplin and then you'll need a cable to the mount (ask your scope supplier for advice on which one).



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I bought one myself a few weeks ago, so far I think I've spent more time getting the goto to work than actually viewing the sky so here's some tips... you can make do with eight AA batteries to begin with but they won't last long so I definitely second the powertank suggestion ^ and remember to keep it charged up. I use a car battery that I happened to have spare.

The handset controller speaks American, this is important to know when you are setting it up, i.e. enter the date MM : DD : YYYY also if you choose to put your location in via latitude/Longitude they go in back to front as well - Longitude first, then Latitude. Take time to make sure the Tripod is Level, it makes all the difference when tracking to objects. If you do use a powertank keep an eye on the lead, as you track back and forth the lead can get wrapped around the tripod legs and pull free, then you have to start all over again.

No matter what scope you buy make yourself a Dew Shield which is basically a tube that you fit onto the end of the scope to stop dew settling on the glass and misting it up. Tesco (there are other supermarkets) have camping mats at about £4 that you can cut up and the elastic that holds them rolled up is perfect for holding the tube onto the scope.

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oh my word, it seems as though this hobby can get complicated! I'm sure it will be worth it! Thank you for the good advice, much appreciated. I have found it mind boggling deciding on what to buy, there is such choice, even with a budget of £400! :0)

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