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One for the nerds (usenet alert)

Kaptain Klevtsov

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alt.binaries.documentaries has Hawkin's Universe series and Sagan's Cosmos (just getting it now) at the moment. If you do usenet then you will know what I mean, if you don't, maybe somebody (dedicated computer nerd) can do a tutorial?

Captain Chaos

Edit: there are also the RI Xmas lectures from this year apart from todays, though that might be there by when you read this.

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As these documentaries are probably copyrighted, I can't encourage anybody to download them as that might infringe the copyright of the holder. That said, if you wish to download them, you will need quickpar to verify the files are intact and then winrar to reassemble them. Both of these are downloadable free for a trial period and have built in instructions. I use Forte Agent (freeagent is a free download) for the capture of binaries in the alt.binaries.pictures.astro area and came across these whilst browsing.


Captain Chaos

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I've set up Outlook for newsgroups and can see all the groups but the 'find' function doesn't come up with anything interesting. The oldests posts I can see on some of the groups are only a day old. Do i need to make make the 'find' look furthe back?

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