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Storing my telescope outside?

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Hi all, After a few sessions dragging my telescope back in and out of the house onto the terrance, I wondered what are the possibilities of simply storing it outside, naturally under a weatherproof enclosure. I live in a quiet neighborhood, so theft isnt an issue, and this would prevent me from having to move it onto the terrace (where I would do my viewing from home), cool the telescope, and realign it every time I moved it. Does anyone sell enclosures for telescopes? Again, mine is a Meade LXD-75 152/762 F5 Newtonian? I could go on about all the other questions that come up, but you get the idea what I'd like to talk about. Thanks all in advance

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I store mine where there may be a possibility of damp, which I know should not affect the Scope but I place in the mount are a largish bag of Silica Gel. I have collected this Gel from the small packs which come packed in deliveries of varous components. You can however purchase at small cost a Gel DeHumidifier which is only 9"x6" which you plug into the mains to dry out after use.

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Ian's find is exactly what I was looking for :shock: (Thanks Ian :) ) In checking this out, though, it seems that this cover is meant to cover a fully assembled scope. If Ian is only storing the mount outside, this cover wouldn't work or maybe even be needed, at least judging by the picture. I'm now also thinking of building a circular cement pad in the grass with marks where the tripod legs should go for north orientation; then, if I return toe cope to the north star begfore shutting down for the night, I won t have to re-aim and retrain the next time I observe. The next step would be a rotating dome??? For my beginner's scope?? :lol:

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I sometimes leave the scope outside in summer. I cover it with a towel, and put a large plastic bag over that. The bag is open at the bottom, which allows for breathing. I usually bring it in if I think it is going to rain, but it has survived light to medium rain very handily under that cover.

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Well in the Spring/Summer of 2007 when the ground is drier, I'm definately gonna lay a round, paved astro patiio area on my lawn, that I keep putting off every year because something else crops up. There'll be a wide path from my back door leading to straight to it. No more muddy shoes or and grass and dirt, that the missus keeps moaning on about, as I take the scopes in and out of the house. A stone marked for the tripod leg facing North is a great idea. Must remember that one. :lol: Half the reason my Dob is not being used, and gathering dust is because of the clearing up pollava afterwards. My viewing should be MUCH more enjoyable. The ground will be level for a start! :)

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