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EQ5 Motors

Peter Reader

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Hi all!

Motors arrived today so had them mounted and set up soon after I got home from school. Here are some pictures:





I have bundled the long wires up and zip tied them. Is this ok?

I've also stuck down the controller with zip ties and double sided tape.

Also, my R.A. motor makes a much louder "whurring" noise than the DEC. Is this normal? Also the R.A. motor does not mesh as well with the gears (half a mm out) and there is a little bit of slop/play when changing direction. Is this acceptable?

Just curious



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There is a bit of play in the RA axis motor mounting, so you can tweak it to get a good gear mesh. When the mount is on, the RA motor will track. The dec motor won't do anything without hand controller input, so it will be less noisy.

I don't have the dual axis clock drive, but my single axis RA motor on my EQ5 is dead slient when it is tracking. My clock ticks louder than that motor. It is lounder when slewing, but nothing compared to the GOTO motors.

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The motors on my CG5 (which is the same as an EQ5) are virtually silent at all speeds so you probably need to adjust the meshing of the gears as E621Keith suggests.

Make sure you have left enough slack in all the wires so that they can follow the mount in all positions. You don't want one of them pulling out in the dark as the mount moves !.

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Are the RA gears rubbing against the RA motor cover? I found this with my identical CG5.

Also, be careful with the connector on the DEC motor. It's amazingly fragile and an awful design by Synta (Skywatcher), really can't believe they haven't modified it yet. I wrecked my second one at the weekend trying to get the mount out of the car.

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The motor isn't rubbing against the casing (it makes the same noise when not under the case). It's like really quick ticking... How do I adjust the motor so it meshes better? Isn't it limited to a single position due to being held in place be a large crew?



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The ticking noise should be normal when the mount is tracking and louder when it's slewing. However, it should be reasonably quiet and nothing like a coffee grinder. While the motor is held by a large screw, the hole in which the screw passes through is larger than necessary which leave some room for adjustment.

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